As illustrated in attachment 103175 [details] and defined in bug 81475, a new split/group button featuring word functions should be created. 'Word Functions' group button - A group button should be created with 'Spelling and Grammar' (.uno:SpellingAndGrammarDialog - 3rd most popular dialog window) as its main button, as it takes up ~7% of standard toolbar total usage and 'AutoSpellcheck' (.uno:SpellOnline), which takes up 3% of total usage, should be grouped underneath it. Additional related entries can be added to the drop down including Word Count (.uno:WordCountDialog - 8th most popular dialog window), Thesaurus (.uno:ThesaurusDialog), and AutoCorrect (.uno:OnlineAutoFormat). As this group button is to be used in all modules, two versions will need to be created. The one defined above is suitable for writer, while other modules do not have word count and autocorrect features, so those wouldnt be included in the second version. One thing that was missing from attachment 103175 [details] is that .uno:SpellingAndGrammarDialog should be the first entry in the drop down list.
I agree. Status new