There are many fonts and font variants available in LibreOffice. That is the good news. The bad news is: 1) I can barely navigate between the fonts because I have so many 2) All font variants are listed (they are called very similar) 3) Many fonts that I never use clutter up the menu To resolve this and create a better user experience, I suggest: 1) Put the most used fonts first 2) Group font variants under the general font name, and provide another way to select the variant (for example with an arrow with an extra menu) 3) Grouping fonts into categories (like Arabic) and let the user hide categories (I will likely never use Arabic fonts) UX team, this is really something for you! :)
As this is UX according to the new procedures, moving this straight to NEW, UX can advise and close (or move it forward) as they see fit.
A review of source shows just the following font families are built and may be deployed with LibreOffice. These fonts coupled with bundled FreeType, Graphite and HarfBuzz provide LibreOffice typography support for Latin, CJK and CTL. We *only* bundle ;-) Caladea Carlito DejaVu Sans DejaVu Sans Mono DejaVu Serif Gentium Basic Gentium Book Basic Liberation Mono Liberation Sans Liberation Serif Linux Biolinum G Linux Libertine Display G Regular Linux Libertine G Open Sans PT Serif Source Code Pro Source Sans Pro The clutter most folks experience comes from the crud that builds up as programs are installed adding to whatever the OS provides. For example, my home Windows box currently has 551 font families present. Unfortunately, for the most part we turn management of the fonts over to the OS--so you will have to use OS utilities to suppress fonts. The Tools -> Options -> Fonts panel lets you specify substitution fonts for fonts not-present (or present) on the system. As well as to specify font to use for HTML, Basic or SQL. But beyond those limited capabilities, we don't provide too much. Guess there would be room to be more aggressive about reducing the clutter of too many fonts available from the system--perhaps restricting to just the LibreOffice core. But that would require some work to implement across the supported OS and various DE. But many users would find that unacceptable UI. Thoughts?
I think we should not mess with the list of fonts in terms of unusual sorting or the like. For example grouping by Sans, Serif, and Mono would spread DejaVu, Libertine, or Nimbus over those groups. The question is rather why someone has 500+ font installed. It's not a big deal to remove the unused with any OS. And the first idea, to put the most used fonts first, is implemented right now (last used fonts are added at the beginning).
Let me clarify things further. For example, I have the Ansana Matjax font family installed on my system. This contains the following fonts: Asana MathJax Alphabets Asana MathJax Arrows Asana MathJax DoubleStruck Asana MathJax Fraktur Asana MathJax Latin Asana MathJax Main Asana MathJax Marks Asana MathJax Misc Asana MathJax Monospace Asana MathJax NonUnicode Asana MathJax NOrmal Asana MathJax Operators Asana MathJax SansSerif Asana MathJax Script Asana MathJax Shapes Asana MathJax Size1 Asana MathJax Size2 Asana MathJax Size3 Asana MathJax Size4 Asana MathJax Size5 Asana MathJax Size6 Asana MathJax Symbols Asana MathJax Variants What I suggest, is that you list Asana MathJax and let the user choose between the variants in another way, for example with a floating menu. See the mockup.
Created attachment 111564 [details] Mockup
Created attachment 111565 [details] How the Fonts are displayed right now
Yes font weights arent grouped in LO correctly. Bug 66792 is an enhancement attempting to move some of the font variants under a submenu, similar to Geoffrey's mockup.
Setting this as a duplicate as Geoffrey's mockup is the same as the mockup presented in the duplicate bug (attachment 83035 [details]). *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 66792 ***