When saving to docx, LibreOffice only saves a very little amount of information in the /docProps/app.xml file, as shown below. <TotalTime>31</TotalTime> <Application>LibreOfficeDev/$Linux_x86 LibreOffice_project/4cf69df2f543b023f4ec3d4279c5ac11a2a819d9</Application> <Paragraphs>1</Paragraphs> While when saved from MS Word 2010, the saved document has more information, as below. <TotalTime>0</TotalTime> <Pages>1</Pages> <Words>5</Words> <Characters>35</Characters> <Application>Microsoft Office Word</Application> <DocSecurity>0</DocSecurity> <Lines>1</Lines> <Paragraphs>1</Paragraphs> <ScaleCrop>false</ScaleCrop> <Company></Company> <LinksUpToDate>false</LinksUpToDate> <CharactersWithSpaces>39</CharactersWithSpaces> <SharedDoc>false</SharedDoc> <HyperlinksChanged>false</HyperlinksChanged> <AppVersion>14.0000</AppVersion> It would be useful to save more of this information, especially when they are easily available.
I agree. Win 7 Pro 64-bit Version: Build ID: 7c0eb12009496a35c927cd5b2520f9c34d50860b TinderBox: Win-x86@62-TDF, Branch:MASTER, Time: 2015-03-03_10:52:12 Locale: fi_FI
Came across this page which had an list of the various tag names that can be used in app.xml. http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/TagNames/OOXML.html
Seems AppVersion cant be used, as using it with numbers other than MS Office version numbers, causes the documents to not open correctly in MSO (bug 91064).
@alexey: There were quite some other attributes that would be useful to export in OOXML.
Trying to define the scope (see also tdf#89775)... ECMA describes 28 Extended Properties: + 01. Application (Application Name) 02. AppVersion (Application Version) + 03. Characters (Total Number of Characters) + 04. CharactersWithSpaces (Number of Characters (With Spaces)) 05. Company (Name of Company) 06. DigSig (Digital Signature) 07. DocSecurity (Document Security) 08. HeadingPairs (Heading Pairs) 09. HiddenSlides (Number of Hidden Slides) 10. HLinks (Hyperlink List) 11. HyperlinkBase (Relative Hyperlink Base) 12. HyperlinksChanged (Hyperlinks Changed) 13. Lines (Number of Lines) 14. LinksUpToDate (Links Up-to-Date) 15. Manager (Name of Manager) 16. MMClips (Total Number of Multimedia Clips) 17. Notes (Number of Slides Containing Notes) + 18. Pages (Total Number of Pages) + 19. Paragraphs (Total Number of Paragraphs) 20. PresentationFormat (Intended Format of Presentation) 21. Properties (Application Specific File Properties) 22. ScaleCrop (Thumbnail Display Mode) 23. SharedDoc (Shared Document) 24. Slides (Slides Metadata Element) + 25. Template (Name of Document Template) 26. TitlesOfParts (Part Titles) + 27. TotalTime (Total Edit Time Metadata Element) + 28. Words (Word Count) Someone please help to mark the props that are really valid for LO and are present (or can be calculated) in the codebase
*see also tdf#90904
Migrating Whiteboard tags to Keywords: (filter:docx)
Saving more information on the LibreOffice is not possible because of some errors after saving files on this source. Click https://paidpaper.net/edubirdie-com-review/ to get help in essays. Administration should do something to remove these errors from the LibreOffice.
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