There alread took place the discussions about translating formulas in CALC to different languages like it is made in Excel and it was denied. I suggest another kind of feature, autocomplete formulas. For example I use russian version of LO and type =СУМ and LO offers me to replace СУМ by SUM. I press enter and get the formula "=SUM". Everybody are happy: all formulas will be in English, Excel users will feel much more comfortable. At least must be added article to help menu with the corresponding Local and English formulas like this to help menu :)
Hi Yan, thanks for reporting. It's not clear for me about what are you talking about. Functions are showed in the UI (user interface) language, except using an UI different than English, with the option in Menu/Tools/Options/LibreOffice calc/Formula - Formula Options, Use English functions names, marked. Autocomplete works for me using the language selected for functions.
Well in russian LO even if the checkbox "Use English function names" is unchecked formulas will be still in English. I have heard that formula translation in non-latin languages were declined for some reasons (maybe this langs use nonascii symbols). I will clarify what i have meant: autoreplacement of russian formula name to english name. 1)I begin to type in A1 cell "=ПРОИЗ" 2)Libreoffice offers to autocomplete ПРОИЗ to ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЕ 3)ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЕ is what I need, I heat enter and type arguments. A1 now looks like "ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЕ(B1;B2)" 4)But LO doesn't support russian formulas so it automaticly replaces =ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЕ(B1;B2) by =PRODUCT(B1;B2) I think the algorithm is clear now.
Sorry Yan, selecting Russian as UI language I can see the issue. Seems a valid request, even maybe not so easy to achieve.
LO 5.3 ships russian f-las, works for me