libreoffice offline help file is not in the program by default and we should download and install it separately. in my view point it better for all programs to have offline help by default in themselves without need to download. its specially usefull for people who do not have internet or recived package of libreoffice from there friends, relatives etc. and even we install offline help nvda can not it completely and only its settings is completely accessible. for me because i am not completely familiar with open source softwares i really a complete and accessible offline help. i wanted offline help file like open office.
@Zahra, Understand the desire, but project simply can not do it that way. Separation of the offline (aka. embedded) Help as a separate download installer remains intentional and will not be revisited. It is necessary because as a cross-platform application (Windows, Linux, OSX, Android) the code base is simply too complex and too large to maintain as a monolithic installation containing all 50+ supported languages. The core program originated as German from its earliest StarOffice days, but was reworked into Technical English during OpenOffice era. There is a robust internationalization/localization (i18n/l10n) community that actually processes the 10's of thousands of strings, providing translation into location appropriate user interface. That is done both for the core program and for the help--and as release cycle roles around those localized sources are each built and bundled for deployment. The core installer contains all localizations, the localized helppack is built independently and provided as a separate installer for each of the supported OS. Since you mention NVDA screen reader use, for a11y support, users should be aware that the Project has been working to improve its hybrid Wiki style Help system which will provide much better assistive technology support via browser. The offline local help will also be restructured--but will remain a separately downloaded and installed component.
Migrating Whiteboard tags to Keywords: (a11y -> accessibility) [NinjaEdit]