It would be nice to be able to search in the viewed document, just like on the desktop. It's not too hard to implement this today, either. The Android app uses the LibreOfficeKit API to talk to core. gtktiledviewer is a test program to show all the LOK API features implemented in core, and it already can do searching. Code pointers: - desktop/source/lib/lokandroid.cxx, Java_org_libreoffice_kit_Document_postUnoCommand() currently always set the command parameter string to 0, that has to be implemented - libreofficekit/qa/gtktiledviewer/gtktiledviewer.cxx, doSearch() shows how to send a .uno:ExecuteSearch command to core - android/source/ is the source code for the Java part of the Android app See in general on how to get an Android build.
6636476cf06ccabc81fcc951f842a34a7f4b5840 implemented this.
Created attachment 120742 [details] printscreen Android UI Hello, where can I find search bar? I doesn't see some icon in the UI. Build few days old. Thank you.
That looks like an older build, not only the search icon is missing from the toolbar, but also undo/redo and the button to enable the lower toolbar.
the android tinderbox (which you seem to be using) packaged an old/non-updated version of the apk, so while it looked like you were downloading a recent build, the apk inside the download was an old one - that was fixed already, so please try again with current build from (the version from TDF in google play is not updated yet, but will receive an update soon)
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