Bug 92691 - Feature Request "View-Only-Mode" or App for "Remote-View"
Summary: Feature Request "View-Only-Mode" or App for "Remote-View"
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: Impress Remote
Classification: Unclassified
Component: General (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
Hardware: All All
: medium enhancement
Assignee: Not Assigned
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Reported: 2015-07-12 15:19 UTC by Björn Bialy
Modified: 2020-08-07 09:14 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Björn Bialy 2015-07-12 15:19:29 UTC
We have tested the our App "Impress Remote" in the church service, for remote control of presentations and it works great (4x Anroid (4.1,5) and 1x IOS). As second we have test the app for pepole with eye problems, to make it easier for these people to follow the church service and presentations. At the second test, we can repeate the problem with multi remote access, that you descripe in our wiki. We have the simple idea, to reduce the problem and this is at the same time the feature request. A View-Only-Mode controlled by server (remote master App/s selected by Dev-List, all other are in view-mode, Dev-List can be save and load) or a single app for Remote-View-Only. 
I think the second is the better solution, because you can use the tested components of the remote app without the controll commands. For the view only mode, i think, the pointer-device-view of the Remote-Control is the best view that you can use for the view-only-mode (resolution optimatzion, zoom and wrong colors are the missing options or ToDo's).

We can support you by testing the feature/app at the church service.

Sincerly Yours

Comment 1 Joel Madero 2015-07-12 15:43:13 UTC
Sounds like a reasonable request. Marking as NEW

Please note that this does not mean that the feature will be implemented. Features/enhancements are almost entirely done by volunteers so a volunteer would have to find this particular enhancement request exciting enough to implement. Sometimes an enhancement is implemented in a month or less...sometimes they are never implemented. 

Thanks for the suggestion, moving this to confirmed.