Often the user has certain preferences for his shapes. For example, I like to apply a shadow with the following properties: Distance = 0.05 cm (default is 0.5 cm, which falls too far from the object) Color = Gray 10 (default color is too light, and it is opaque) Transparency = 30% (This combination of color and transparency creates a life-like shadow) But the problem is, I have to set this for every object I create. Please consider the option where I can set all these default properties. Once set, Impress should offer those default properties globally.
UX guys: how do you think this should be solved?
Graphic styles are used exactly for this...
Thanks for the reminder, Tomaz :) My brain must be slow after vacation.. So narayanaras can modify the default style and it will work ok.
Yes, except that graphic styles are not available in Writer, but that is a separate issue and the bug for this is already filled.