User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Trident/7.0; EIE10;ENGBWOL; rv:11.0) like Gecko Build Identifier: LibreOffice la fonction "texte conditionnel" ne fonctionne plus dans cette version. Reproducible: Always [Information automatically included from LibreOffice] Locale: fr Module: TextDocument [Information guessed from browser] OS: Windows (All) OS is 64bit: no Reset User Profile?No
Hello Alvig, Thank you for reporting the bug. Unfortunately without clear steps to reproduce it, we cannot track down the origin of the problem. Please provide a clearer set of step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce the problem.
Info from reporter: This is a conditional text in a database field. database = Reserve civile table = Candidatures field = Civilité Before the previous version, in condition I was writing civility == "M". In the new version I have to write [Reserve civile.Candidatures.Civilité] == "M". Why ? It's a bug or correction of bug ?
It seems they changed the reference method to be more precise. Please ask in some French community channel about this. I'm closing this as INVALID. If after discussing in the French community about this you find out there is some bug, you can revisit this report.
Appreciate you for this bug solution. I have a problem with my gambling resources, so now I can build the right Identifier and make a deposit. Thank you for this.