The order of buttons for actions such as { CANCEL / CLOSE HELP BACK / NEXT FINISH / CREATE / OK } differs from dialog to dialog. This is very confusing for users. There should be an (intuitive) rule for their uniform order (for Westerners, in terms of LEFT to RIGHT). Explained in more detail on this page:
Well spotted. The button sequence should also fit the system default, which is different from Windows and Linux to Mac OS X, IIRC.
NEW it is then.
We're replacing our use of the 'ux-advise' component with a keyword: Component -> LibreOffice Add Keyword: needsUXEval [NinjaEdit]
Caolan submitted a patch in bug 104897 to have buttons in the system typical sequence. So this issue should be solved. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 104897 ***