Bug 95478 - List "Online-Update" under Internet in the preferences
Summary: List "Online-Update" under Internet in the preferences
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: UI (show other bugs)
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Inherited From OOo
Hardware: All All
: low trivial
Assignee: Not Assigned
Keywords: needsUXEval
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Reported: 2015-10-31 17:26 UTC by Dennis Roczek
Modified: 2016-12-05 08:29 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Description Dennis Roczek 2015-10-31 17:26:30 UTC
At the moment the "Online-Update" is listed in the preferences under LibreOffice --> Online-Update.

It is better listed under Internet --> Online-Update.
Comment 1 A (Andy) 2015-11-07 09:25:23 UTC
For me it doesn't really matter, but because Update is a more general Libreoffice topic and the section Internet is more regarding the technical internet connections, I would propose to keep it.  But of course, because it speaks of update intervalls one could also argue that this is a technical thing which could be under INTERNET.  But currently I would nevertheless still propose to keep it.

But let's see what others think.

Note to find it: Go in any LO component to TOOLS -> OPTIONS -> section LIBREOFFICE -> subsection ONLINE UPDATE
Comment 2 Aron Budea 2016-12-04 22:46:07 UTC
Let's ask the UX folks.
Comment 3 V Stuart Foote 2016-12-05 00:47:09 UTC
It is in the correct category since we are "updating" the LibreOffice installation, not configuring the Internet connection/proxy.

Can't see that a move under the  "Internet" panel would make add any value or make much sense.
Comment 4 Heiko Tietze 2016-12-05 08:29:27 UTC
Looks like a -3 for the idea (-1 from me). Rather we should consider to simplify it as an on/off feature. There is no good reason to change how frequently the check is done. But it _looks_ nice and user-friendly on the other hand. 

Closing this one as WFM.