As stated in Working with a formula in Calc: Data => Validity is a very powerful option. (Especially a matrix-formula for a custom cell-range. Very good!) But entering could be a pain. A formula could be used in each condition (Whole number, Decimal, ...), but the used cell ranges must be typed! Mouse-selection as in a regular formula (or in Excel: Validity => all conditions) does only work in condition "Cell range". And in "Cell range" it does not work with a mix of typing and mouse-selection. Using mouse-selection overwrites everything typed before. (In Excel you can mix it as you like.) With only one cell range in the formula the problem could be resolved by mouse-selection first and building the formula around the taken cell range. But with 2 or more needed cell ranges in the formula ... So please: The mouse-selection(s) should work in a custom mix with typing (as in a regular formula)
Question: are you saying that it is/should be possible to add non continuous ranges as reference for the validity?
if I'm not mistaken there is no place where it works.
If you enter in a regular cell a formula you can type elements of the formula an add cell ranges with mouse selection (and typing again, and selecting again, and ...), all mixed up. Including a matrix formula. Which can be used also (with typing the ranges) in Validity: Cell range: IF(B1:B10="a";C1:C10;"") ... list with values in C where value in B="a" Instead of "a" you can also use a cell reference (D1) which can hold the selection of a (first) list. On which the contents of the second list then depends! or IF((A1:A10>4)*((B1:B10="a")+(B1:B10=D$1));C1:C10) or a special formula for a number range Maximum value: MAX(A1:A10;C1:C10;E1:E10) or an other (even much more complex) formula in a prospective new custom validity
Thanks - makes sense.
Bug is still present. No changes in bug behavior. Testsystem: LO on Windows Vista
*** Bug 114393 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***