Bug 98185 - HTML exports drop the "automatic" colors (the default black on white)
Summary: HTML exports drop the "automatic" colors (the default black on white)
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Calc (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
3.3.2 release
Hardware: All All
: medium enhancement
Assignee: Not Assigned
Depends on:
Blocks: (X)HTML-Export
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Reported: 2016-02-25 16:14 UTC by Stéphane Aulery
Modified: 2021-06-23 13:36 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Description Stéphane Aulery 2016-02-25 16:14:23 UTC
From: Michal Suchanek <hramrach@centrum.cz>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: libreoffice: HTML exports from calc suck
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2011 10:34:35 +0200

Package: libreoffice
Version: 1:3.3.2-2+b1
Severity: normal

There are numerous issues with HTML exports from Calc
 - the "automatic" colors (the default black on white) are not recorded
   in the export. I am not sure if these "automatic" colors can change.
   LibreOffice does not seem to respond to theming of other parts of the
   system. Either way, the "automatic" colors must be exported for the
   document to look correctly when viewed in a web browser which may
   have text and background color different from LibreOffice.

 - the text automatically spanning multiple cells (when it overflows a
   cell and the neigbour cell is empty) does not do so in HTML

 - alignment is not reflected in HTML. Specifically I use right and left
   aligned columns next to each other with increased indent added to the
   left aligned column. There is no space between the two in the HTML
Comment 1 Henry Kloppenburg 2016-02-27 03:17:29 UTC
When I install the helppak for off line help, the help screeens have a black background and while font. How can I get a white background and black font.
Comment 2 Stéphane Aulery 2016-02-28 13:12:24 UTC
Points 2 and 3 are resolved in LO 5.1.0.
Comment 3 Stéphane Guillou (stragu) 2021-06-23 13:13:22 UTC
I just tested with LO 7.3 alpha0, and while it is true that default colours are not exported to HTML (with Save as > HTML or Export > XHTML), I think it makes perfect sense to keep it like that.

Users might want to let the browser adapt the style of the HTML page to whatever default style is in use, which is a great feature of modern browsers.
If the user really wants to "fix" a look, like background and text colours, styles or single formatting actions exist to do just that.

To me, this should be a WONTFIX.

(and as mentioned in Comment 2, the second and third points are already fixed)

Comment 4 Roman Kuznetsov 2021-06-23 13:36:33 UTC
the "automatic" colors are colors that work only inside LibreOffice.
I don't think HTML supports it anyway. So export to HTML should produce just current colors as you see it in the document.

And I agree with Stephane we can close it as WFM or WF