Options -> Libreoffice -> Security -> Options... dialog (Security Options and Warnings) has this option: "Block any links from documents not among the trusted locations (see Macro Security)" It's not mentioned in the help page for security options: https://help.libreoffice.org/index.php?title=Common/Security&Language=en-US&System=WIN&Version=5.1#bm_id1976683 A note: In bug 78580 a user could not figure out for a long time that the reason why sometimes linked images were not displated in his own document was due to this setting. I guess some kind of reference to this possibility could be useful, because currently there's no indication to the user why their content isn't loaded (until the suggestion in bug 83665 gets implemented... eventually). So maybe something that could guide users to this option if they search the help? Negligible issue: In the Security Options and Warnings dialog pressing Help/F1 while OK, Cancel or Help is selected, it'll give totally uninformative results like this. https://help.libreoffice.org/swriter/cui/ui/securityoptionsdialog/ok?Language=en-US&System=WIN&Version=5.1
Gabor Kelemen committed a patch related to this issue. It has been pushed to "master": http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/help/commit/?id=b57f991c21f157f79e12b18664972d51ab7f3fbc tdf#100096 Document security option for link blocking
Gabor Kelemen committed a patch related to this issue. It has been pushed to "libreoffice-5-3": http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/help/commit/?id=f82a8513425645b9c421399467cb84081f2cf7e7&h=libreoffice-5-3 tdf#100096 Document security option for link blocking
The Help, OK, Cancel buttons problem lives on in bug #105280