Bug 101013 - Pagination of big document wrong on opening (488 pages becomes 505)
Summary: Pagination of big document wrong on opening (488 pages becomes 505)
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: LibreOffice (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) release
Hardware: All All
: low minor
Assignee: Not Assigned
Depends on:
Blocks: Performance
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Reported: 2016-07-19 14:02 UTC by Wilfried Koch
Modified: 2024-12-21 10:25 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Crash report or crash signature:

Exmples for formatting problems (1.08 MB, application/x-zip-compressed)
2016-07-29 12:14 UTC, Wilfried Koch
Screenshot Frames + Footnotes (194.98 KB, image/jpeg)
2020-01-23 20:12 UTC, Telesto

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Wilfried Koch 2016-07-19 14:02:20 UTC
Happens in and eventually earlier.
Also in all later versions I tested.
probably depending on file size.

The relevant document is a text of a book and as such copyrighted. Sanitazing by standard methods is not possible, because it changes the original page wraps.
Anyone concerned with error reproducing or correcting will get a link from me.

In most cases formatting of the document is not correct when loaded. Correctness of the document displayed is achieved, after it is scrolled up and down several times.

To check for correct formatting:
Formatting is OK if chapters of the book start at the pages given in the index on page 5 of the document.
Comment 1 Buovjaga 2016-07-27 20:39:39 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 2 Wilfried Koch 2016-07-28 13:01:31 UTC
Text modified but identical page wraps.

Comment 3 Buovjaga 2016-07-28 19:03:40 UTC
(In reply to Wilfried Koch from comment #0)
> To check for correct formatting:
> Formatting is OK if chapters of the book start at the pages given in the
> index on page 5 of the document.

Confirmed that the index does not match the chapters. BUT if I update the index the problem is solved. Saving and reloading keeps the correct index page numbers.

So it does not seem to be a bug.

Arch Linux 64-bit, KDE Plasma 5
Build ID: c1b665fcdacd4141137f1e369527e2c0d94513ae
CPU Threads: 8; OS Version: Linux 4.6; UI Render: default; 
Locale: fi-FI (fi_FI.UTF-8); Calc: group
Built on July 26th 2016
Comment 4 Wilfried Koch 2016-07-29 05:41:04 UTC
May be I have been misunderstood:

The formatting of the document given is correct, if the actual page numbers are the same as in the index, e. g. if chapter 18 starts on page 425 or if the intentionally empty page ( big text "leere Seite") is on page 453.

If you found it this way after updating the index with then fine and the bug is really fixed.

I tested only with and Windows 10 , 64 Bit, 8 GB and found the problems being still there. 
Updating the index changes the index in a way that it complies with the actual (wrong) formatting. Please observe: at least in this version updating often changes the number of pages. Several updates may result in several changes of length (in pages) of the document (observed today).

There were rare cases when this formatting was correct directly after opening the file.
Comment 5 Buovjaga 2016-07-29 07:36:37 UTC
Ok, setting to NEW, then, but you should attach some screenshot example of the wrong formatting as it is not really enough to go by the page numbers.
Comment 6 Wilfried Koch 2016-07-29 12:14:21 UTC
Created attachment 126467 [details]
Exmples for formatting problems

The zip file contain 3 files starting with OK, these show correct formatting:
Chapter 6 has to begin on page 116, chapter 10 on page 253 and 18 on page 425.
Formatting is basically correct if these chapters and page numbers correspond. My experience is that the formatting is OK if chapter 18 starts on page 425 and page 425 contains leere Seite.

The zip file contains another 2 files starting with WRONG. These show examples of the wrong formatting directly after the file is opened in LibreOffice. Here chapter 6 starts on page 119 and 18 on page 437. After loading most time formatting is not correct but the faults are not the same every time.

The correction of the format was achieved by intensive scrolling. This process from the user's point of view is obviously not deterministic.

The examples were made by exporting one page to pdf. In rare cases this produced a reformatting and the print result was not the expected one.

I hope my examples will help. Please ask for more if necessary.
Comment 7 Buovjaga 2016-07-29 12:41:18 UTC
(In reply to Wilfried Koch from comment #6)
> I hope my examples will help. Please ask for more if necessary.

But what is the actual incorrect formatting that causes the slipping of the pagination? I would like you to describe it like "line height too big on page xxx" or "font size too big on page xxx" or simply include a screenshot, where you draw a circle in red to denote an incorrectly formatted element.
Comment 8 Wilfried Koch 2016-07-29 13:25:24 UTC
May be we had a mix of terms. The problem is alone the wrong pagination (which I addressed as a formatting problem).
This problems seem to me quite undeterministic. I could not observe any changes of font size or stuff like this. I just see "page breaks at unwanted places moving around in the document".
Comment 9 QA Administrators 2017-09-01 11:20:45 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 10 Telesto 2018-07-24 18:46:15 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 11 QA Administrators 2019-07-30 03:13:15 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 12 Timur 2019-12-04 17:27:19 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 13 Timur 2019-12-10 18:08:28 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 14 Telesto 2020-01-23 11:51:36 UTC
(In reply to Timur from comment #13)
> Wilfried, Buovjaga and Telesto, please attach example document and retest
> with fresh LO


503 pages on file-opening
501 pages for the exported PDF
505 pages for the document after PDF export

The index in PDF is also wrong. Clicking chapter 18 (in PDF) is going to the wrong page. Last two pages appear to be missing too.

Version: (x64)
Build ID: ce685f64f38551e7984155783c9c7660d986abf6
CPU threads: 4; OS: Windows 6.3 Build 9600; UI render: default; VCL: win; 
Locale: en-US (nl_NL); UI-Language: en-US
Calc: CL

501 pages on file open
501 pages for the exported PDF
501 pages for the document after PDF export

All pages appear to be present. Clicking chapter 18 in PDF is also fine.

Build ID: 7074905676c47b82bbcfbea1aeefc84afe1c50e1
CPU Threads: 4; OS Version: Windows 6.2; UI Render: default; Layout Engine: new; 
Locale: nl-NL (nl_NL); Calc: CL

However this isn't the initial problem I guess
Comment 15 Timur 2020-01-23 14:44:00 UTC
I'm not sure about this.
LO 6.5+ opens 488 pages and going to the end changes to 503 or 505.
ToC Inhaltsverzeichnis (Schnellübersicht) is wrong and if it's updated, it expands.
1st heading is already different, ToC shows 17 and it's 19 and if updated 20.

Lo 5.2.7 opens 500 pages. ToC cannot be correct.
I cannot open ODT with LO 3.3 or 4.0.

We need to know what exactly is wrong and what is expected.
Is this ToC created before further editing and why it would be correct?
I see that number of pages is different is various LO (500 to 505) and that's shouldn't be, but we cannot go back now.

To me, bug seems to be in this 488 pages that changes so I set New so far.
Comment 16 Telesto 2020-01-23 20:12:13 UTC
Created attachment 157378 [details]
Screenshot Frames + Footnotes

> LO 6.5+ opens 488 pages and going to the end changes to 503 or 505.
Not for me, it opens and shows 488 maybe for a moment, but changes to 503-505. That's the whole issue. The layouting is unstable. 

Footnotes and cross pages tables are known cause for unstable layout (and are present in the doc in question). Possibly something similar is happening with frames and footnotes (see screenshot, frame overlapping the footnote) but that's only speculation. I have seen another bug doc where moving a frame causes some unexpected layout changes

There isn't much to say reliable about a 'proper' layout without a fix for the footnote table mess, IMHO

Let's check the doc next year..
Comment 17 QA Administrators 2022-01-23 03:42:14 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 18 Wilfried Koch 2022-01-23 16:35:35 UTC
Original test document no longer available.
Similar test document used now.
Error persists up to
Error does not exist with simplified test file. More about test file see error 146875 or text below.
Finding time I will do some regression testing.

I know that the availability of the document ist essential for you in this case. There are two problems:
1. the size
2. it is the manuscript of a book not yet published.

How can we proceed?

Thank you for your work.
You may replace all chars in the document with "x". 
As for size, you may try to split in half as long as it still crashes. 
Not sure what's the limit here, but try to upload then, or some file sharing.
Dear Timur,

Thank you for the message. Some comments concerning the bug were made in Bugzilla. You will hopefully be able to get the test data using the following link:


I will leave it accessible until January 28.

Best regards.

Comment 19 Buovjaga 2022-01-23 17:16:27 UTC
(In reply to Telesto from comment #14)
> (In reply to Timur from comment #13)
> > Wilfried, Buovjaga and Telesto, please attach example document and retest
> > with fresh LO
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UacZYIhlo505D3S3nGeWA6gY2uHndP1P/
> view?usp=sharing
> 503 pages on file-opening
> 501 pages for the exported PDF
> 505 pages for the document after PDF export
> The index in PDF is also wrong. Clicking chapter 18 (in PDF) is going to the
> wrong page. Last two pages appear to be missing too.

Not sure, if it's due to missing de-DE hyphenation data, but with latest of Linux 7.4 bibisect repo, I get 495 pages for all steps/exported PDF.
Comment 20 Telesto 2022-01-23 21:10:35 UTC
(In reply to Buovjaga from comment #19)
> Not sure, if it's due to missing de-DE hyphenation data, but with latest of
> Linux 7.4 bibisect repo, I get 495 pages for all steps/exported PDF.

For everything slightly unstable: Page counter shows 503.. PDF export has 502
And highly different from your results

I don't get a missing de-DE hyphenation data warning.. so likely installed 


The file at comment 18 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/h8g99k3mzys6r8w/AAAwCQrhF1jrkrQxxYDaKZFna?dl=0

Another beast:

Scrolling down to bottom -> Freeze
Export to PDF freeze (at repagination)

VerySleepy slows the same perf profile: time spend in SwPageFootnoteInfo::GetTopDist	

Will open a new bug report for that
Comment 21 QA Administrators 2024-01-24 03:12:46 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 22 BogdanB 2024-12-20 19:53:18 UTC
In debug version of LibreOffice I am getting this:

warn:vcl.gtk:10244:10244:vcl/unx/gtk3/fpicker/SalGtkFilePicker.cxx:950: no parent widget set
warn:xmloff.core:10244:10244:xmloff/source/core/xmlimp.cxx:1450: duplicate style name of family 300: "Marginalie_20_links"
warn:xmloff.core:10244:10244:xmloff/source/core/xmlimp.cxx:1450: duplicate style name of family 300: "Marginalie_20_rechts"
warn:xmloff.style:10244:10244:xmloff/source/style/xmlstyle.cxx:273: Here is a duplicate Style
warn:sw.core:10244:10244:sw/source/core/unocore/unoframe.cxx:2801: SwXFrame: fixing invalid horizontal RelOrientation for at-page anchor
warn:sw.core:10244:10244:sw/source/core/unocore/unoframe.cxx:2801: SwXFrame: fixing invalid horizontal RelOrientation for at-page anchor
warn:sw.core:10244:10244:sw/source/core/unocore/unoframe.cxx:2801: SwXFrame: fixing invalid horizontal RelOrientation for at-page anchor
warn:sw.core:10244:10244:sw/source/core/unocore/unoframe.cxx:2801: SwXFrame: fixing invalid horizontal RelOrientation for at-page anchor
warn:sw.core:10244:10244:sw/source/core/unocore/unoframe.cxx:2801: SwXFrame: fixing invalid horizontal RelOrientation for at-page anchor
warn:sw.core:10244:10244:sw/source/core/unocore/unoframe.cxx:2801: SwXFrame: fixing invalid horizontal RelOrientation for at-page anchor
warn:vcl.gdi:10244:10244:vcl/source/filter/svm/SvmReader.cxx:794: inconsistent len
warn:vcl.gdi:10244:10244:vcl/source/filter/svm/SvmReader.cxx:794: inconsistent len
warn:vcl.gdi:10244:10244:vcl/source/filter/svm/SvmReader.cxx:794: inconsistent len
warn:vcl.gdi:10244:10244:vcl/source/filter/svm/SvmReader.cxx:794: inconsistent len
warn:vcl.gdi:10244:10244:vcl/source/filter/svm/SvmReader.cxx:794: inconsistent len
warn:vcl.gdi:10244:10244:vcl/source/filter/svm/SvmReader.cxx:794: inconsistent len
warn:vcl.gdi:10244:10244:vcl/source/filter/svm/SvmReader.cxx:794: inconsistent len
warn:sw.core:10244:10244:sw/source/core/unocore/unoframe.cxx:2801: SwXFrame: fixing invalid horizontal RelOrientation for at-page anchor
warn:sw.core:10244:10244:sw/source/core/unocore/unoframe.cxx:2801: SwXFrame: fixing invalid horizontal RelOrientation for at-page anchor
warn:sw.core:10244:10244:sw/source/core/unocore/unoframe.cxx:2801: SwXFrame: fixing invalid horizontal RelOrientation for at-page anchor
warn:sw.core:10244:10244:sw/source/core/unocore/unoframe.cxx:2801: SwXFrame: fixing invalid horizontal RelOrientation for at-page anchor
warn:sw.core:10244:10244:sw/source/core/unocore/unoframe.cxx:2801: SwXFrame: fixing invalid horizontal RelOrientation for at-page anchor
warn:sw.core:10244:10244:sw/source/core/unocore/unoframe.cxx:2801: SwXFrame: fixing invalid horizontal RelOrientation for at-page anchor
warn:legacy.osl:10244:10244:sw/source/core/unocore/unobkm.cxx:157: CreateXBookmark: no MarkBase?
warn:legacy.osl:10244:10244:sw/source/core/unocore/unobkm.cxx:157: CreateXBookmark: no MarkBase?
warn:legacy.osl:10244:10244:sw/source/core/unocore/unobkm.cxx:157: CreateXBookmark: no MarkBase?
warn:legacy.osl:10244:10244:sw/source/core/unocore/unobkm.cxx:157: CreateXBookmark: no MarkBase?
warn:legacy.osl:10244:10244:sw/source/core/unocore/unobkm.cxx:157: CreateXBookmark: no MarkBase?
warn:legacy.osl:10244:10244:sw/source/core/unocore/unobkm.cxx:157: CreateXBookmark: no MarkBase?
warn:legacy.osl:10244:10244:sw/source/core/unocore/unobkm.cxx:157: CreateXBookmark: no MarkBase?
warn:legacy.osl:10244:10244:sw/source/core/unocore/unobkm.cxx:157: CreateXBookmark: no MarkBase?