A similar problem is reported for Alt+A accelerator key in Tools menu. I found the problem in Sheet menu Alt+R which is repeated for Insert Rows and Rename sheet. In general the accelerator keys should be unique so that they can be quickly used from the keyboard without having to look at which function has been executed. Please check this issue in all menus and correct it. Thanks very much for a wonderful product.
That's correct. It consists of two parts. First is to identify all the problems (and suggest the replacement), the second part is to actually fix these.
For it to be an easyhack you need to add the keywords skill<foo> topic<foo> difficulty<foo> as well as a code pointer. Setting status to NEEDINFO, until this is done. Alternatively remove keyword easyhack.
No this is not correct. There is no functional need in a single menu to not repeat a mnemonic accelerator so long as the accelerator is not keyboard locked. So on Tools -> Options -> LibreOffice: "A" cycles through each selection Applications Accessibility Advanced each are reached in sequence with not interference in repeating the accelerator. But on the Calc -> Sheet menu, there is an issue where one accelerator keyboard entry blocks another: "R" does not cylce through Insert Rows Rename sheet On opening the menu Alt+S, and entering "R" leaves user forced to select Rows Above or Below and unable to reach Rename Sheet. That loss of movement through the menus is an issue--not duplication.
As stuart mentioned, this isnt a problem of having duplicate entries with the same accelerator.