scalc format cells --> background color Recent versions of scalc have reduced the palette selection for cell background colors. There no longer appears to be a means to create a custom palette. Workaround solution: Replace libreoffice5.3/share/palette/standard.soc with a prior version, or edit the file to add additional choices. Perhaps there's a better method. Or, btter, simply return the old expanded standard.soc file to new version installations. At least let me know how to add this suggestion to libreoffice documentation and an explanation on how to expand the palette for more custom colors.
In bug 105225 we collect all places where the latest changes to palettes have not been implemented yet. Workaround is to use the sidebar (Properties > Cell Appearance > Background) or the toolbar (Formatting > Background Color) where all the exciting new features are available. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 105225 ***