Imagine working with a large table with multiple columns in LO Writer that spans over several pages. I quickly lose overview over the columns and what to enter in the appropriate rows because I need to see the table column header. Hence, I have to frequently scroll up again to check which column refers to what. It would be so incredibly useful if there was a setting to visually fix the table column head (the first row of the table) so that it scrolls down while I am scrolling down the document. Thoughts?
You can freeze the row or the columns as headers:
Dear Xisco, Your help article talks about Calc. My bug report is for Writer.
In table properties you have an option to repeat the title row on each page. You can set this option as default for all new table in Tools > Options > LibreOffice Writer > Table I think that is what you need. Closing as WorksForMe. Feel free to reopen if you disagree. Best regards. JBF
Sufficient, yes. Thanks, Jean!