Description: LibreOffice Impress need option "skip hidden slides" at Insert => "Page Number...". When selected then hidden slides not counted. At the moment when I have 10 slides and I hide 5th slide. Then last slide page number is still 10, but it should be 9. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Add some slides 2. Add page numbers (Insert => Fields => "Page Number" 3. Hide some slides (not the end of slideshow) Actual Results: Hidden slides is still counted Expected Results: Hidden slides not taken into account on counting. Reproducible: Always User Profile Reset: No Additional Info: Version: (x64) User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:57.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/57.0
Küsime design-meeskonnalt.
Do we really need to make this optional?
I recommend to not count hidden slides automatically. So no new UI changes must be done. Is there a use case for counting hidden slides?
(I would swear to have seen a similar report..)
While there are some concerns here I support the request. Development needs to check the status before and restart numbering in case of changes. Might be a (not so easy) easyhack.
(In reply to Cor Nouws from comment #4) > (I would swear to have seen a similar report..) bug 117231?
What is even weirder about this bug is that the total slide count seems to exclude hidden slides but the total slide number does not. Is that intentional or a bug?
Looks like a duplicate of bug 74383 that is marked Fixed, I don't see why.
bug 74383 is about the display of the total number. bug 68320 is about the display of the slide number. The "weirder" comment is precisely because the former was fixed, but not the latter.
*** Bug 148659 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
One potential issue is that one can enter slide number and hit enter to go to that slide during presentation. If hidden slides are excluded then it will be difficult to find that slide and numbers (slide numbering and slide numbers in the UI) will have discrepancy. I wonder how others solved this issue.
I didn't know about that feature. But can't that feature also use the numbering with the skipped slides, to be coherent with the fixed shown slide number?
I also ran into this limitation. My use case is that it's not yet clear how long the time slot for my talk will be (20 or 30 minutes). I have slides that I only want to show for the 30-minute talk. If I give the 20-minute talk, I obviously don't want gaps in the shown page numbers. Even if I have the shorter time slot, I ideally don't want to delete the hidden slides completely already. Generally, I don't think it's unusual to prepare a talk with "too many" slides and want to decide later which ones to actually use. At the moment, my workaround is to move the hidden pages to the end of the slides. This is inconvenient because if I end up using the slide, I need to find the place again where the slide belongs.
Similar topic is discussed in bug 153259 for Writer with the idea to introduce an attribute on the page style that adds it to the total number of pages, or not. Same could be done for slides / master slides (effectively the same as adding an option to not count a particular slide).
To be actually useful, it would need to be set automatically for hidden slides. Otherwise people will not remember to both switch the hidden flag and the count flag at the same time.