It would be nice to have a feedback form for reporting errors at the new help webpages. Then, user who reads the help page would be able to point to the incorrect or unclear parts quickly and much more easily comparing with reporting to bugzilla. (The reports could be handled e.g. the same way as the feedback messages from translators from Pootle.)
Hi Stan If you append the online page URL with &Debug=1 and reload the page, a black box in the bottom of the page will show a link to opengrok for the help page. Admittedly, a hidden feature. For example: What about a link with mailto:// protocol, such as <a href="'Comments on help page {$filename}'&body='The page {$filename} show the following issues:'"> It will send a mail from the user computer to an alias or list where a team of revisers can act. It does not invalidate your suggestion for a form, but it will be faster to implement...
Hi and thank you for taking this! Yes, the link with predefined text would be a simple and elegant solution and would do the job. The form would lower the entry barrier more (for those people who have not configured mailto on their computers or who don't want to use their e-mails), but this could be done in future.
Reproduced there is no feedback form in the doc. there is no link with mailto:// protocol in the blackbox