the DATEDIFF function in English and its variant in Spanish, do not work; They give error messages, even when you try to test them with the help examples: =FECHADIF("17-04-1974";"13-06-2012";"y") #valor
It depends on the 'Date Acceptance pattern' defined in Tools - Options - Language Settings - Languages. In my case it's D/M/Y;D/M, so this works for me : =DATEDIF("17/04/1974";"13/06/2012";"ym") @Olivier, is it something we should mention in the help page ? ->
Olivier Hallot committed a patch related to this issue. It has been pushed to "master": tdf#119009 Clarify DATEDIF date parsing
In addition to Olivier’s fix above (which can be seen at, I’ve updated the Spanish translation to fix the inconsistent translation of the function’s name, which was all over the place: DATEDIF is now called SIFECHA, which is of course wrong (our previous name, FECHADIF, is an accurate translation) but it’s the name used in Excel, and we want to be interoperable, right? (Your existing spreadsheets will continue working under the changed name). Most crucially, the Spanish translation had the arguments wrongly ordered in the examples, and that caused an error when you tried them out in Calc.