Bug 119709 - Incorrect borders on lists with Merge with next paragraph
Summary: Incorrect borders on lists with Merge with next paragraph
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Writer (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) rc
Hardware: All All
: medium normal
Assignee: Not Assigned
Depends on:
Blocks: Bullet-Number-Outline-Lists Paragraph-Borders
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Reported: 2018-09-05 14:51 UTC by Octavio Alvarez
Modified: 2018-09-12 15:22 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Screenshot of the observed bug. (2.51 KB, image/png)
2018-09-05 14:51 UTC, Octavio Alvarez

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Description Octavio Alvarez 2018-09-05 14:51:21 UTC
Created attachment 144694 [details]
Screenshot of the observed bug.

1. New Writer window.
2. Format > Paragraph > Borders > Presets: Set All Four Borders.
3. Make sure "Make with next paragraph" is checked.
4. Click OK. Should have the only empty paragraph with border.
5. Type "This is a list:", press Enter.
6. Type "Item 1", press Enter.
7. Type "Item 2", press Enter.
8. Type "This is a comment after the list", press Enter.
9. Select the two items (From I in "Item 1" to 2 in "Item 2").
10. Click on "Toggle Bulleted List" on the toolbar.

Observed behavior: Item 1 and Item 2 now have their own border.

Expected behavior: Item 1 and Item 2 should still share their border with the rest of the document.

See screenshot.
Comment 1 Dieter 2018-09-06 13:07:50 UTC
I confirm it with

Version: (x64)
Build ID: 414ef6cb187dd3bbcc917dbedf3c0c1cc8668f60
CPU threads: 4; OS: Windows 10.0; UI render: GL; 
TinderBox: Win-x86_64@42, Branch:master, Time: 2018-08-21_00:13:04
Locale: en-US (de_DE); Calc: CL
Comment 2 Xisco Faulí 2018-09-07 10:20:03 UTC
This is the expected behaviour.
Same would happen if you change the two items to use another paragraph style.
The "Make with next paragraph" only works as long as the next paragraph uses the same style.
Comment 3 Dieter 2018-09-07 10:29:56 UTC
Xisco, do you think, we could treat this as a proposal for an enhancement?
Comment 4 Octavio Alvarez 2018-09-09 02:55:44 UTC
Hi Xisco,

Thank you for the response.

I just checked the help and yes, it says:

"These styles are only merged if the indent, border, and shadow styles of the next paragraph are the same as the current paragraph."

So yes, considering it behaves according to the documentation, I acknowledge the "NOTABUG".

However, there is no way to have a paragraph and a bulleted paragraph, both of the same style (and thus, same spacing properties) surrounded by the same border without using a hackish 1x1 table cell. Sections don't support borders either.

Maybe we can rename this to "no way to have a list and its parent paragraph of the same paragraph style merged in the same border" and mark it as a request for enhancement? I don't think it will be that trivial.

What do you think?
