Created attachment 152959 [details] writer app icon the existing app icons of libreoffice get an update with 6.1 but in general the app icons are similar to the mimetype icons. The problem is not that the existing app icons look bad it's more that on dark toolbars or dark window frames so where the icon size is between 16 - 32 px the thin boarder are to thin and the white background is to much in the focus. So attached is my proposal for an updated writer app icon. Other proposals are here
This should also be discussed within a TDF vs. LibreOffice context where we need on the one hand a clear recognizability of the brand and a distinction between project and product. The task is filed here based on And we also need to keep social media where the community want to modify the brand; see and
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 132398 ***