There are a lot of keywords in Math (like "sin", "setQ", etc) [1]. But there's no help on them. Some (not all) of them are present in Math elements sidebar, and that's all. This makes problems when (1) looking for a way to do something where a keyword is needed; and (2) looking why something doesn't work (like in [2], where iser is unaware that "in" is a keyword, and needs to be shielded). We need a page (or pages, like in Calc?) for all the functions with their keywords in Math. [1] [2]
Seems most have coverage in the Math Guide [1], but agree the Help needs them as well. =-ref-= Still valid (though last update at 4.4). [1]
I beg to differ, e.g sin: setq: Is the issue actually a bookmark for the panel? (and Help page rendering can improve, I agree).
(In reply to Olivier Hallot from comment #2) > I beg to differ, e.g I stand corrected! Somehow I failed to find the pages :-( Please just check if everything is covered then; feel free to close INVALID.
Help pages id's (hid) for the elements panel exist (inherited from the old Elements window): STARMATH_HID_SMA_UNBINOPS_TBX in /text/smath/01/03090100.xhp STARMATH_HID_SMA_RELATIONS_TBX in /text/smath/01/03090200.xhp STARMATH_HID_SMA_OPERATORS_TBX ... STARMATH_HID_SMA_FUNCTIONS_TBX STARMATH_HID_SMA_BRACKETS_TBX STARMATH_HID_SMA_ATTRIBUTES_TBX STARMATH_HID_SMA_FORMAT_TBX STARMATH_HID_SMA_SETOPERATIONS_TBX STARMATH_HID_SMA_MISC_MENU in /text/smath/01/03091600.xhp But they are not defined in starmath/inc/helpids.h Class is starmath/source/ElementsDockingWindow.cxx
Olivier Hallot committed a patch related to this issue. It has been pushed to "master": tdf#129918 Add right bookmark for Elements panel