While text is mostly formatted by PS, CS, and DF it's a question whether the list style should be shown as well.
iiuc, list styles are shown presently in Paragraph DF section. Both predefined and custom list styles are shown. Is more needed? Two improvement suggestions though: 1. Show STR_POOLNUMRULE_BUL[1-5] names (same ones as in Sidebar) instead of "List 1", "List 2", etc. 2. Show a list item's "level" in SI ( - suspect it is missing at present because it is missing in general from paragraph dialog. - is visible in status bar )
It's a style, so we should show it in the Inspector. Not many but still some properties [1], and much better than the current ID. [1] http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/v1.2/os/OpenDocument-v1.2-os-part1.html#element-text_list-style
Another case that should be handled. 1. Toggle on Ordered List. 2. Make some entries, finish with two Enters. 3. Continue to type a new line. After step 3: 1) text 2) test 3) here new line Result: Style Inspector shows no indication that the new line is in a list. 4. Toggle Ordered List on the new line. Result: it gets the next number in the list sequence [i.e., 4)] and is viewed as part of the previous list, even though several empty paragraphs stand between the list and the new line). Style Inspector shows the proper information now, but you would not have been able to "see" in advance from Style Inspector that this was going to happen to this line -- that information should be available in Style Inspector