If you draw something within Impress/Draw the Default Drawing Style was used. I suggest to add Default Drawing Style - Accent - Accent 1 - Accent 2 - Accent 3 So that you can draw with the Default Drawing Style and can easy switch to use an accent color for the drawing. It's already implemented in all new Impress Templates.
First: What is the purpose of an accent _drawing_ style? (I doubt the need for this as _accent_ might be relevant in case of text but not for drawings. For sure you draw with different styles but what bothers me is the artificial similarity.) Second: Every added style takes the properties from the parent and can change it. What exactly do you suggest for the four new styles?
Check out the impress templates. For presentation templates it was very usefull, that you have defined the default shapes and accent shapes for highlight elements. Also if you think on a flowchart it is usefull to have the default shape style and some accent shape styles that were used for highlight stuff. In general generic styles like accent are way more usefull than styles like Filled Blue, Filled Green, Filled Red, Filled Yellow. The most importend thing is that if you have accent styles and use them, if you switch the template, your drawings will follow the styles so the accent color will change depend on your presentation. You have one LibreOffice presentation with accent green styles and one template for Redhead with accent red styles. Compare to Highlight, Accent Styles are not new in LibO they are used in Calc.
or you have one template with collored shapes for the beamer and one template in black/white for the printout. Wouldn't be any problem, you only have to switch the master document or template file.
We already have the request to add character styles to Impress/Draw. That would fix this. Or not ?
dup of bug 40871
I'm talking about Drawing Styles not character styles. Drawing styles were used for lines, shapes, ...
We discussed the proposal in the design meeting and decided to not add the Accent drawing style. It's rather something like a Character Style working on top of other styling. It's also pretty easy to add such a style locally and templates should deliver it anyway.