1. Change Font type for "List" in Tools - Options - LibreOffice Writer - Basic Fonts. 2. Make a list item (using Toggle Ordered List or Toggle Unordered List or apply a List Style). Actual result: uses paragraph style font type/font size value Expected result: use values set for "List" in Basic Font dialog. Additional question about the "help" page: According to: https://help.libreoffice.org/7.2/en-US/text/shared/optionen/01040300.html#bm_id3152922 When you choose Format - Numbering/Bullets to format a paragraph with numbers or bullets in a text document, the program assigns these Paragraph Styles automatically. Question: Shouldn't the help page say that the "font" and "font size" for "List" in Basic Font is used when Format - Numbering/Bullets is used? (i.e., nothing to do with Paragraph Style)
Adding NeedsUXEval and cc to Mike Kaganski, especially for information about the "intended"/"expected" behavior here (and a comment about the accuracy of the current help page).
My take: remove the List option from basic fonts.
Seth Chaiklin committed a patch related to this issue. It has been pushed to "master": https://git.libreoffice.org/help/commit/5a491d5ee63f9cb309384f65d7a652342ce05fd1 Related tdf#140478 update "List" for Tools-Options-Writer-Basic Fonts
Steps to check: 1. Create a new Writer document. 2. F11 to open styles 3. Expand *Paragraph Styles* to see "List" and children (in Hierarchical view they are children of Text Body) 4. Now change the Tools -> Options -> LibreOffice Writer -> Basic Fonts -> List to, say, a Windings font 5. Look at the mentioned style preview.
Seth Chaiklin committed a patch related to this issue. It has been pushed to "master": https://git.libreoffice.org/help/commit/09799dd8cd57f5971241ba7a5a3365220d106407 tdf#140478 clarify explanation of List in Basic Fonts
Thanks for insight, Mike. Initial description (actual/expected) in comment 0 is still accurate. Help page issue is clarified. Have modified bug summary to reflect the issue in terms of existing interface/design. Implications (e.g., comment 2, comment 4) left to others.
As Mike explained in c4, tools > options > basic fonts define what is used on this group of styles. The expectation was probably that some "list" paragraph style is automatically applied when the paragraph's ordered/unordered list attribute is set. => NAB, but FX as documentation issue