Hello! When I am revising my thesis, I can't move to its top/bottom using the navigation panel. In Word 365 there is an arrow at the top of the navigation that moves to the first page (cover if a thesis). Can't such a feature be implemented and, now that we are at it, also include an option there to move to the last page of the document? Thanks!
You can add two buttons to the standard toolbar : "to Document Begin" and to Document End" : menu Tools > Customize > Toolbar tab. Does that solve your need? Status has been set to NEEDINFO, please set it back to UNCONFIRMED once requested information has been provided. Best regards. JBF
Created attachment 174262 [details] screenshot of docx
See attached screenshot of Word 365.
The mentioned command is bound to ctrl+pos1, don't see need to expose it on a toolbar or the Navigator by default. It would clutter the overly complex UI further.