My version is in italian Libreoffice-write Trying to re-export text in PDF with the pdf already opened (in adobe reader) program accuse this error: "Errore nel salvare il documento adesione a proposta del giudice: Accesso a C:\Users\Luca\Documents\Documenti_Server\Creare\Padovan - elledi\proposta del giudice 185\adesione a proposta del giudice.pdf negato." After clicking OK i obtain this: "Errore nel salvare il documento adesione a proposta del giudice: Errore generale. Errore generale di I/O." It's a bad error to see. Pheraps it can be handled better
You need to close the file in the reader. The lock it's done for the OS not LibreOffice. There is no other solution.
Duplicate, search before reporting and setting. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 53530 ***