KDE Plasma 5 with global menu on Manjaro Linux Not always, but very often, the global menu is not shown when starting Libreoffice (any application). Sometimes even if it is shown, just open a file and it disappears. It also happens when I launch Libreoffice start centre (the menu appears) but then I launch (for example) writer and it disappears. I have tried using gtk3 but nothing changes. I also tried installing the official build (rpm) from aur, but nothing changes.
Sorry, it seems that gtk3 is not affected.
I think this is not our bug. Please see if the global menu works for any other apps you use on your KDE Plasma 5. IF the problem is just for LibreOffice please reopen this bug. IF NOT this is not our bug, but KDE. https://forum.manjaro.org/t/kde-global-menu-does-not-work/50953/5
Yes, it works for any other app: Qt5, Qt6, gtk2, gtk3. With libreoffice it works for gtk3, while Qt5, Qt6 and kf5 backends are affected.
*** Bug 156387 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
confirmed via duplicate bug 156387.
I noticed that if I open Writer when the search bar is active, the menu is not displayed. If I close the search bar and then close and reopen writer, it is displayed instead. However, the problem remains that if I open a file then the menu disappears.
p.s. i use X11
* Guido uses KDE Plasma 5 on Manjaro, sees the issue with x11. * Milton usesLO as a flatpak, KDE Plasma 5.27.6 with Wayland, no issue with x11. ** LO as flatpak currently only use the gtk VCL plugin. ** This issue of gtk + Wayland on Plasma has been known for a while: https://github.com/flathub/org.libreoffice.LibreOffice/issues/63 and https://github.com/flathub/org.libreoffice.LibreOffice/issues/234 and https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=424485 ** Allowing the flatpak to use the Qt backend would likely help: https://github.com/flathub/org.libreoffice.LibreOffice/issues/270 * There's also bug 149728, in which Max uses LO as AppImage, and the Material window decoration with material-kwin-decoration-git. Looks more similar to Guido's issue. Guido, can you please clarify: - how did you install LO? - how did you turn on Global Menus / LIM?
- how did you install LO? From the package manager (pacman) But the same problem also occurs with appimage. - how did you turn on Global Menus / LIM? KDE global menu (a panel applet) but also a LIM decoration called material-kwin-decoration-git I can add that with Gtk3 it works without any problems. I have identified over time cases where the menu does not appear: * if I start the startcenter, the menu appears but then disappears once an application is selected * if, at start-up, Writer's search bar is visible * if I open a file from "recent"
p.s. yes, I think it's the same problem of https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=149728
Great, thank you for clarifying so quickly! Let's mark as duplicate of bug 149728, and keep Milton's issue separate. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 149728 ***