Bug 153089 - Allow separator (for Numbering by Chapter) to be greater than one character in the Edit Fields dialog
Summary: Allow separator (for Numbering by Chapter) to be greater than one character i...
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Writer (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) alpha0+
Hardware: All All
: medium normal
Assignee: Not Assigned
Keywords: needsUXEval
Depends on:
Blocks: Fields-Dialog
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Reported: 2023-01-18 12:30 UTC by sdc.blanco
Modified: 2023-02-09 02:13 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

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Crash report or crash signature:

Test file for convenience (16.21 KB, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text)
2023-01-18 12:30 UTC, sdc.blanco
Numbering in MSO (29.54 KB, image/png)
2023-01-24 07:40 UTC, Heiko Tietze

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Description sdc.blanco 2023-01-18 12:30:31 UTC
Created attachment 184744 [details]
Test file for convenience

1. In a document, insert an outline level 1 heading. 
2. Then insert a frame and Insert Caption in the frame.
    (or use the attachment, which has already done this).
3. Place cursor in the field in the caption; right-click to open Edit Fields dialog.
4. In Edit Fields dialog, place cursor in ”Separator” field (in ”Numbering by Chapter” section)
5. Try to insert more than one character.

Actual:   only one character allowed.
Expected: more than one character can be entered.

Practical consequence: Forced to have only one character between chapter number and caption numbering.  Cannot do things like:  "1 - 3"  or "F. 1" 

Bug? enhancement? Will ask UXEval....
Comment 1 Heiko Tietze 2023-01-19 09:19:58 UTC
Sounds reasonable but unclear if possible. ODF defines:

19.864 text:separation-character
The text:separation-character attribute specifies the character used to separate values representing levels in an outline.
If the value of the text:display-outline-level attribute is a non-zero value, a separation character may be specified. The default separation character is "." (U+002E, FULL STOP). If the value of text:display-outline-level is zero, this attribute shall be omitted.
The text:separation-character attribute is usable with the following element: <text:sequence-decl> 7.4.12.
The text:separation-character attribute has the data type character 18.3.7.

Regina, am I wrong or is this going to be evaluated at OASIS?
Comment 2 Regina Henschel 2023-01-19 14:59:31 UTC
(In reply to Heiko Tietze from comment #1)
> Regina, am I wrong or is this going to be evaluated at OASIS?

There is https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/OFFICE-4108. It will introduce a new way to define the string used for a list level number.

LibreOffice uses this in namespace loext when opening a docx with userdefined list numbering and saves it to ODF. But an UI is missing to create or alter such style.
Comment 3 Heiko Tietze 2023-01-20 09:35:43 UTC
(In reply to Regina Henschel from comment #2)
> LibreOffice uses this in namespace loext when opening a docx with
> userdefined list numbering and saves it to ODF. But an UI is missing to
> create or alter such style.

Does the UI need to be different from the ordinary separator? I mean it's either a single character or the string never both at the same time.
Comment 4 Regina Henschel 2023-01-20 13:58:19 UTC
Sorry, I have confused things. The new string is only for list numbering. The sequence numbering (which is topic here) is not affected by the new string. And allowing more than one separator character would require a change in ODF.
Comment 5 sdc.blanco 2023-01-20 16:44:12 UTC
Some discrepancies/inconsistencies (and possible bug) to consider.

1. Insert - Caption - Separator  

   Allows more than one character and actually adds them.  Also remembers the entire string, the next time the dialog is opened.

(this probably motivated the expectation that Edit Field - Separator could be more than one character).

(the current behavior of separator in the Insert dialog seems good -- but is sort of inconsistent with the Edit Fields dialog.)

2. Insert - Caption - Numbering Separator  (after choosing "Numbering first" in Options - Caption order).

    Allows more than one character and actually adds them -- but does not remember them when the dialog is reopened.  (inconsistent with 1)

3. Insert - Caption - Options - Separator 

 --  could not get it to work
 --  does not remember entered value on reopening dialog
 --  does show any value entered in Edit Field - Separator  
 --  (seems like a bug somewhere in this interaction).

4.  In Insert - Caption - Options

Maybe label "Numbering Captions by Chapter" should be "Numbering by Chapter" (to be consistent with Edit Field) and less "noise" in the dialog.

5.  Separator in the Edit Fields dialog refers to the separator between Chapter number and caption sequence number.  This is different than the "separator" in the Caption dialog.  Might be good to change the label in the captions dialog (to avoid confusion with other "separators").  For example, "Before Caption" seems pretty accurate (because the entry in that field does not appear unless a caption is entered).

Also, before/After Separator in the Customize List dialog allows for more than one character, which probably also motivated the expectation that multi-character separators are allowed.  so this is a third place where "separator" is used with a different meaning.
Comment 6 Heiko Tietze 2023-01-24 07:40:36 UTC
Created attachment 184861 [details]
Numbering in MSO

MSO provides a list of fix separators, hyphen, full stop, color, em- and en-dash. Resolving WF.
Comment 7 Heiko Tietze 2023-01-24 07:48:30 UTC
Using some other character than the fix list offered in MSO works and "1~a" is shown if the document is loaded in MSO. But the separator is updated to "1-1" with the next inserted caption / when fields are updated.

I spotted an issue when loading a DOCX: it shows the numbering as None, though the field says "1.1", and I can create something like "1.1.1" (the first number wont update). Different topic, maybe reported somewhere else.
Comment 8 sdc.blanco 2023-01-27 13:58:59 UTC
(In reply to sdc.blanco from comment #5)
> 3. Insert - Caption - Options - Separator 
>  --  could not get it to work
Bug 153244 

> 2. Insert - Caption - Numbering Separator  (after choosing "Numbering first")
> 5.  Separator in the Edit Fields dialog refers to the separator between
> Chapter number and caption sequence number.
Bug 153242 proposes naming changes

> 4.  In Insert - Caption - Options
> Maybe label "Numbering Captions by Chapter" should be "Numbering by Chapter"
Bug 153243