At the moment, we cannot select more than a single comment (using the LO UI; I'm not sure what's possible under the hood). It should be possible to select more than one comment - for formatting, for copying their text, for considering deletion etc.
The ability to select all comments at once was recently found to be useful/necessary to replace a "direct-format all comments" command (see bug 157522).
No need for further discussion.
Heiko, note that I'm asking for the ability to select "regularly", i.e. with a single-click on some part of the comment bubble, and shift+click and ctrl+click working as one would expect. Are you sure this is all obvious and you don't want to discuss which regions exactly would be considered a selection? Or whether the selection should behave similarly to table cell selection, where a click doesn't select but you have to wrestle with it a bit?
(In reply to Eyal Rozenberg from comment #3) > Are you sure this is all obvious... Implementation details. Tickets don't become more attractive to developers if a lot of comments ponder over every detail. If something is unclear it's easy to ask.