hi, This is an old thing... Send / "Email (this) document" Send / "Send via Bluetooth" both make sens... Whereas: Send / "Outline to clipboard" ... ... is like asking someone at a dining table to send you the salt, or offering someone that you'd send a coffee is she liked... meaning you'd make one for her.. #1 - - - - So, how about "Generate"? I mean, this is what happens, when you "send" the outline to the clipboard in use... Imagine: File / Generate / "Create Master Document" compare it to: File / Send / "Create Master Document" .... #2 - - - - I guess, the only thing that keeps "send" in place is that programmers like to use it... in terms of outputs and inputs... for them, it makes sense... "Send: Outline to Clipboard" is a valid sentence for them Moreover, Generate would sound clumsy here: File / Generate / "Outline to Clipboard" cause it would require a longer second part: Generate: outline -- and "send it" -- to clipboard... ... #3 - - - - Maybe, "Output" would be a better solution... but Output: outline to clipboard... even though it makes sense... "out" appears twice... making it confuse... #4 - - - - okay: how about adding a new menu item: "Email" :) and put all email stuff under it? then the meaning of "send" wouldn't be ambiguous! :) But then send to Mediwwiki and send via bluetooth would be odd... and if you out them under "send", we would have the exact situation as now... #5 - - - - Maybe: instead of Generate, "Create" would actually work... Would it? I admit, this really is tough...
Peter, thank you for your idea. Let's ask design-team.
You talk about the menu File > Send, which has a number of subitems like "Email As*" that sound right to you but also the two menu items "Outline to Presentation" and "Outline to Clipboard" that aren't a good fit for "Send". I never stumbled over these labels and can easily understand the function. And we should not split the Send-menu into Send and Generate (or any other label) to make the children phonetically better fitting. So my take is WF. More opinions?
In technical English, no issue. Send works fine for all the subitems, it is an alternative action verb to Save As..., Export..., or export to PDF/EPub choices. Expanding the action verbs to include 'Generate' or similar gains us little in technical English and complicates things for the l10n translation efforts. So, -1 and a => WF from me as well.