Download attachment 144783 [details] from bug 119800. Open and see that it shows one frame with a table, unless hidden characters are shown, in which case two frames are seen (119800 re-introduced in bug 137469), and the navigator shows two frames and two tables. Convert it to ODT using command line like soffice --convert-to odt path/to/tdf119800-1.odt Check that the resulting ODT has four frames (two per each original fame). Regression from commit 2bcfb7231b5ca74f02274cfb74ca8463f78905d6 (tdf#152872 sw: conditionally hide paragraph breaks, 2023-01-10). Since commit 69ed893087f89d176a5ec4b263ce8d75774be72b (tdf#160253: fix list identifier export decision code, 2024-04-24), exporting using a debug build fails an assertion in XMLTextParagraphExport::RecordNodeIndex, which is a correct failure, showing exactly the problem that is described here.
Reproduced with recent daily build: Version: (X86_64) / LibreOffice Community Build ID: 0dcaff6043e1f24ce0fa354dff80a86e40622247 CPU threads: 8; OS: Linux 6.5; UI render: default; VCL: gtk3 Locale: en-AU (en_AU.UTF-8); UI: en-US Calc: CL threaded Same with command line or save as ODT from GUI.
Other test case from Bug 131728, since commit 56588663a0fddc005c12afaa7d3f8874d036875f, which introduced frames during the DOCX import – as reported by Caolán McNamara: wget -O ~/Downloads/tdf131728-1.docx ./instdir/program/soffice --headless --convert-to odt ~/Downloads/tdf131728-1.docx seems to have also fixed the testcase of and others from commit 56588663a0fddc005c12afaa7d3f8874d036875f The earlier originally reported "block" if document remain unchanged.
A similar issue starting from the same commit was fixed in bug 165388, but the fix did not help this case: --convert-to odt still doubles the frames.