Create a new spreadsheet save it and export the empty spreadsheet to pdf. If you do so LibreOffice throws an error.
It happend to me too. ErrorCode 3088. LibreOffice 3.5.2 release on win7
I confirm this in LibO under Win7 64bit anyway I wonder what's the point of converting to PDF an empty file... is there a real-life situation where you would do that?
Here is my use case. We use LO to generate reports for our employees in the field. These are the steps: a) We generate a ods - File with Perl and XSLT. b) We convert the ods via LO to pdf. c) We send the report in ods and pfd format. If the report is empty step b fails. Think of an report with customer complaints. If no customer complains the report ist empty.
(In reply to comment #2) > anyway I wonder what's the point of converting to PDF an empty file... > is there a real-life situation where you would do that? We use it for generating document previews by a computer program. Whatever a user uploads to our system we convert it to PDF and then render to images. If a user uploads an empty file, the process fails.
Ok. does "empty file upload" happen frequently? as a workaround you could use an .ods template with some text in it (like an header) so even if no notes are added the file wouldn't be empty
I don't know, I wouldn't say that. But what's the odds? Emty document means one blank page. So why the same output is not generated to PDF? One empty page. I cannot use any workaround. Imagine that a user uploads an empy document and you will show him some non-empty page (?)
I reproduce the same bug with OpenOffice 3.3.0 so I change version field to "inherited from OOo". interestingly only Calc cannot export empty documents to pdf. Writer, Draw and Impress are unaffected. adding Calc expert to CC-list.
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*** Bug 73683 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 78601 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Fixed with
*** Bug 56248 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***