Hello! I have discovered today that in LibreOffice Writer the "Aligned at" and "Indent at" parameters for the list numbering position are not applied. The only way to manipulate the number positions is to treat each list item as a paragraph and set the appropriate paragraph "Before text", "After text" and "First line" parameters to obtain the desired numbers positioning. It looks like a bug to me because changing the "Aligned at" and "Indent at" fields in the "Format" -> "Bullets and Numbering" -> "Position" dialogue does not provide any changes at all. Thanks. Vladimir
Please, attach document that demonstrates this problem
It's real it's not obvious to format bullet in a impress document
I think I have isolated the problem. The way to apply changes in the settings in the Position tab of the "Bullets and Numbering" dialog is to press OK while this tab is still visible. @sasha: How to reproduce (use any presentation): - In the main menu choose Format | Bullets and Numbering - The dialog "Bullets and Numbering" appears - In the dialog choose Tab "Position" - Choose a Level that is used in the presentation - Change the value for "Ident" or "Width of numbering" - Change to other tab in dialog - Press OK Expected result: Spacing of numbering is changed Actual result: Spacing of numbering is unchanged in the slides Revisit the "Position" tab: Values are unchanged This behaviour is confusing for users and inconsistent: - The OK button is not part of the tab, so pressing OK should confirm the changes made on all tabs, whether visible or not. - All changes in other tabs, like "Bullets", "Numbering type" and "Graphics", are confirmed by pressing OK, visible or not. Bug is present in OpenOffice 3.1.0 on Windows. Bug is still present in LOdev 3.5.0 RC 3
(In reply to comment #3) > Bug is still present in LOdev 3.5.0 RC 3 Correction: Bug is still present in LOdev 3.5.0 Beta 3
Thanks for additional testing and steps to reproduce. In Writer also exist (or fixed?) some problem with lists: Bug 34573 - FORMATTING paragraphs params behave wrong in list
hi all, The OP speaks about Writer paragraphs However the issues component is set to Presentation... So we have two different topics here :-) Wrt the original post: recently there has been submitted a patch, actually solving it: Paragraph and lists: don't overwrite numbering properties with paragraph properties http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/commit/?id=7ef5e1cebab76b55dacca3f8eea10884a6a90d74 If I remember well, I heard an explanation from Olivier Rainer-Witman (iirc) on the Orvieto OpenOffice conference, that the behaviour was conform the ODF specs... But that could have changed in the mean time. Anyhow, I think the change makes sense. Set to fixed because of patch for bnc#751028 (different bug database) @v_2e: could you pls vefify in a recent master build? http://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/daily/ @stephan: mind to open a new issue (or look at existing Impress issues for Bullets and so)?
I have just verified that the bug described in comment 3 is still present in master. Apparently, it is not solved with the patch mentioned in comment 6. I will open a new issue for Impress for this problem.
Further narrowed down the problem and posted as bug #49859