The current widget for color selection offers from a limited set of basic colors. Very 1990. I recommend just having a full RGB color selection widget for these kinds of menu's. It's extremely common in most other programs to do it this and offers the user much more and expected functionality. I know you can enter a custom color based on RGB but that just seems very convoluted, although I can see how, if you design a letterhead, it could be useful for a template. But also in this latter case, offering the defined colors + an RGB wheel would be useful.
marked as high enhancement For me it would be important to have the possibility to chose more colors for instance for the font color. You should have the possibility to chose the color by the RGB numbers and by a color palette as in many other programs. Up to now you have to modify it by TOOL -> OPTIONS -> LIBREOFFICE/COLORS. But this is not user-friendly.
I too would very much like to have this. Agree with setting importance as high.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 37480 ***