Bug 57478 - UI: FILEOPEN LibOCreated.xls with grouped columns shows "collapse '-'" instead "expand'+'" above collapsed columns
Summary: UI: FILEOPEN LibOCreated.xls with grouped columns shows "collapse '-'" instea...
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Calc (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
Inherited From OOo
Hardware: Other Windows (All)
: medium minor
Assignee: Not Assigned
Depends on:
Blocks: XLS Group&Outline
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Reported: 2012-11-24 07:54 UTC by Rainer Bielefeld Retired
Modified: 2023-07-08 03:15 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

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Description Rainer Bielefeld Retired 2012-11-24 07:54:43 UTC
This one is a spin off of "Bug 51524 - [Fileopen] [XLS] cell-width of invisible cells are not remembered", where this problem has been reported additionally to an other problem.

Because it's not clear how sample document of Bug 51524 has been created you also can use Attachment 70503 [details] of Bug 57477, what has been created as Excel8 document with Excel 2010, and create your own .xls from LibO following steps 1-4 of Bug 57477.

[Reproducible] with "LibreOffice Portable 3.3.0  - WIN7  Home Premium (64bit) German UI [OOO330m19 (Build:6) tag libreoffice-]":

0. download Attachment 63569 [details] of a.m. Bug, what seems to 
1. Open sample document from LibO start center
   Expected: above column Heading 'D' you should see a small '+' button
             to expand the 2 hidden columns
   Actual: you see a small '-' button to collapse columns, but they are already
2. Click '-'
   As expected, nothing happens with columns, columns are already collapsed.
   But button changes to '+', Clicking it will expand the 3 columns, 
   clicking the now visible '-' will hide columns a-C and so on

So it looks as if there simply would be a FILEOPEN - UI problem, but I did an additional test, what might be interesting for deeper understanding of this bug, but are not necessary 

11. Open a.m. Sample document with MS Excel 2010
    > A correct '+' button will be shown above 
12. Expand Columns A-C and collapse again
13. Save as "document2010.xls", exit
14. Redo step 1
    As expected: above column Heading 'D' you see a small '+' button
                 to expand the 3 hidden columns
So there might be a LibO Filesave problem? I submitted a separate "Bug 57477 - FILESAVE as .xls with wrong info concerning collapsed grouped columns" for that.

NEW due to results on <discuss@de.libreoffice.org>

Same problem with OOo 3.1.1, so inherited from OOo.

Still  [Reproducible] with parallel installation of  "LOdev   -  ENGLISH UI / German Locale  [Build ID: a2b3ee)]"  {2012-11-22} on German WIN7 Home Premium (64bit) with separate /4 User Profile for 4.0

@Spreadsheet Team
Please set Status to ASSIGNED and add yourself to "Assigned To" if you accept this Bug or forward the Bug if it's not your turf (and remove others in team from CC).
Comment 1 Buovjaga 2014-11-07 09:20:26 UTC
Still reproduced.

I opened attachment 70503 [details] and did these steps:

0. download sample document
1. Open document from LibO Start center
   > You see a small '+' button above column heading D
2. Expand / collapse Columns A...C by clikcing the small + / - button above
   column heading 
3. Click Cell N+, type a blank and <Return>
4. Save as "document2010LibO333.xls" (MSO97)
5. close document 
6. Reopen

and this happened:

you see a small '-' button to collapse columns, but they are already
Click '-'
   As expected, nothing happens with columns, columns are already collapsed.
   But button changes to '+', Clicking it will expand the 3 columns, 
   clicking the now visible '-' will hide columns a-C and so on

Win 7 64-bit Version:
Build ID: 8b21b5cbe78945b27525b4ce78ae3d981f90590f
TinderBox: Win-x86@39, Branch:master, Time: 2014-11-06_03:55:51
Comment 2 QA Administrators 2015-12-20 16:12:52 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 3 QA Administrators 2017-01-03 19:48:17 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 4 Zineta 2018-10-02 08:43:09 UTC
Can still reproduce in:
Version: (x64)
Build ID: 8b1501d80dc9d3f42c351c6e026fa737e116cae5
CPU threads: 2; OS: Windows 6.1; UI render: default; 
TinderBox: Win-x86_64@42, Branch:master, Time: 2018-09-22_23:19:22
Locale: bs-BA (bs_BA); Calc: threaded
OS:Win 7
Comment 5 QA Administrators 2019-10-03 02:59:15 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 6 Svatopluk Vít 2021-03-19 12:58:47 UTC
Still the same, bug is present.

Version: (x64) / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: fe0b08f4af1bacafe4c7ecc87ce55bb426164676
CPU threads: 12; OS: Windows 10.0 Build 19042; UI render: Skia/Vulkan; VCL: win
Locale: cs-CZ (cs_CZ); UI: cs-CZ
Calc: threaded
Comment 7 QA Administrators 2023-07-08 03:15:38 UTC
Dear Rainer Bielefeld Retired,

To make sure we're focusing on the bugs that affect our users today, LibreOffice QA is asking bug reporters and confirmers to retest open, confirmed bugs which have not been touched for over a year.

There have been thousands of bug fixes and commits since anyone checked on this bug report. During that time, it's possible that the bug has been fixed, or the details of the problem have changed. We'd really appreciate your help in getting confirmation that the bug is still present.

If you have time, please do the following:

Test to see if the bug is still present with the latest version of LibreOffice from https://www.libreoffice.org/download/

If the bug is present, please leave a comment that includes the information from Help - About LibreOffice.
If the bug is NOT present, please set the bug's Status field to RESOLVED-WORKSFORME and leave a comment that includes the information from Help - About LibreOffice.

Please DO NOT

Update the version field
Reply via email (please reply directly on the bug tracker)
Set the bug's Status field to RESOLVED - FIXED (this status has a particular meaning that is not 
appropriate in this case)

If you want to do more to help you can test to see if your issue is a REGRESSION. To do so:
1. Download and install oldest version of LibreOffice (usually 3.3 unless your bug pertains to a feature added after 3.3) from https://downloadarchive.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/old/

2. Test your bug
3. Leave a comment with your results.
4a. If the bug was present with 3.3 - set version to 'inherited from OOo';
4b. If the bug was not present in 3.3 - add 'regression' to keyword

Feel free to come ask questions or to say hello in our QA chat: https://web.libera.chat/?settings=#libreoffice-qa

Thank you for helping us make LibreOffice even better for everyone!

Warm Regards,
QA Team
