Created attachment 71567 [details] The screenshot shows MS Word 2000 with a pic across the page margin. This isnt possible in LO 4.0 Beta1. Problem description: When I drag a picture across the page margins (e.g. I just want the half of a picture floating into the page)it isnt possible... In DRAW I can drag a picture over the margins of the page. In MS Word I can drag pics over / across the margin of the page... Operating System: Windows 7
nice idea, clear example - thanks Andreas
There's a compatibility flag for this: DoNotCaptureDrawObjsOnPage It is used for interop with MSO formats, and as it seems based on the AOO bug report in See Also, it was introduced in OO 2.0 for backwards compatibility, as restricting drawing objects to the page was also a change between OO 1.0 and 2.0.
An interop example: bug 105143.