I have been a regular user of LO Impress for years, and have had a great experience overall. However, there is one annoyance, which I shall upgrade to a nuisance. I have seen the trail regarding this "non-bug", and completely disagree with the explanation given. I quote my background as a biz school prof who relies heavily on presentations, as my locus standi. There are three unnecessary buttons for every slide on the slide pane. Has this been democratically arrived at, or is it developer gold-plating? (Please see Steve McConnell's insights on this). If this is the latter, then it is NOT needed. If I really need to copy a slide, I have my familiar right click mechanism at hand (literally!). The half-visible icons get selected at whim when I plan to shuffle slides, and what follows is hugely unexpected. It copies the slide, follows the cursor as I aim to shuffle, and dumps the slide when I stop. To the developer who will comes to the defence of this "feature," please bear in mind that I'm the end user, and you are the developer. One of us is hugely right. No guesses as to who.
Thank you for reporting this issue. please provide links if you refer to any other discussions as that gives the people the nessisary background to resolve this issue.
Here's the bug description, as far as I can see it. https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=51231
Set the importance and platform. I think something will have to be done with the buttons as they are annoying people regularly. But I'm not sure what is best.
What does "democracy" has to do with anything here?
Maybe I was imprecise in my wording. I don't understand why the overlay with three small buttons was considered, when the real estate of a thumbnail is already at a premium. Has there been collective deliberation before the feature was admitted?
Has been removed for a while now. So no issue anymore.