When opening a form at runtime and using a small data table (between 50 and 300 rows), it's not possible to see all rows at once. Either the user has to move to the last row (and wait some seconds - see bug 52170); or the designer has to link a macro to the form where the fetchsize property is set to an appropriate value. It would be more useful to set the fetchsize property in the form's properties within the form designer. A more general way would be to set the default fetchsize in the menu Tools / Options / Base. Robert Grosskopf wrote in a German forum that a Linux version of LO 3.6 loads nearly 100 rows. My Win7 version is loading only 40 rows: Version (Build ID: 7545bee9c2a0782548772a21bc84a9dcc583b89) as well as Version (Build ID: 58f22d5). Juergen
Lionel - can you comment on this one? I'm not sure about the technical details here. Thanks!
That's a valid enhancement request, that amounts to "please give some UI to set the default value of fetchSize, which can be changed programatically but not by the user through thui UI".
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