Problem description: When opening a form for data entry, the record number shows 1 0f 41, but going to last record shows there are 104 records - and onn return to first record 1 of 104 is (correctly) shown Operating System: Windows 7 Version: release
The form doesn't load the whole table, only the first 41 rows. It is shown by 41*. If you jump to the end of the table you have loaded the whole table and get the exact rows - without '*'. This is implemented to make work faster and hold only a little bit of the table in the cache. It is the same behavior in tables. There is shown something like 82* ... When you will load only a table with 104 records you would say: It doesn't matter. But when there are tables with more than 10000 rows it will last some times, before the form would be ready for input. Some people solve this by opening a form, let start a macro to "last row" and then to "first row". Others would add a field to the form and let the form start from a query. The field shows the result of "SELECT COUNT("ID") FROM "Table"". If you wish another behavior, you have to change the Importance to "enhancement".
I will change this bug to an enhancement. It works like expected, but could be a good idea to show the number of all records in a navigationbar of a form.
Adding self to CC if not already on
*** Bug 107434 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 118415 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 118885 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
The current behavior of showing the current number of loaded records is very misleading, but I understand that requiring to load all records into memory by default would be even worse. Some (most?) SQL engines have the ability to report internal/management stats which include **approximate** row counts with little overhead. I don't know if this is available in ODBC/etc. in a standardized way. A COUNT(*) query would provide the exact number, at significant overhead for large tables, and should work with all backends. Perhaps this RFE would be more feasible if there was first a form property "rowsTotalCountPreview" with possible values "Currently loaded records (default)", "Exact total count (very slow)", with availability "Approximate total count (fast)" depending on the type of backend/etc..