Bug 66448 (Form-Control-Styles) - FORMATTING: Document character styles for form controls
Summary: FORMATTING: Document character styles for form controls
Status: NEW
Alias: Form-Control-Styles
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Writer (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) release
Hardware: All All
: medium enhancement
Assignee: Not Assigned
Whiteboard: BSA
Keywords: needsDevAdvice
Depends on:
Blocks: Styles Form-Controls Writer-Enhancements
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Reported: 2013-07-01 10:44 UTC by boicottms
Modified: 2020-08-05 13:57 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Crash report or crash signature:

screenshot of the window where i would like to find the style (56.05 KB, image/png)
2013-11-06 13:56 UTC, boicottms
LO english screenshot of a form control (76.07 KB, image/png)
2013-11-07 19:18 UTC, boicottms

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Description boicottms 2013-07-01 10:44:38 UTC
Problem description: 
I would like the ability to apply standard styles to the form fields, instead of the need to choose formatting for any single field.
Steps to reproduce:
1. insert a form field
2. it's impossible to apply a style
3. ....

Current behavior:
we ned to format any single form field
Expected behavior:
just place a form in the text, it should get the current paragraph's style, and could gI coul change it like any other text choosing from my styles or formatting the single occurrance.
Operating System: Windows 7
Version: release
Comment 1 Dominique Boutry 2013-11-02 16:25:51 UTC
Please what do you call a "form field" ? Can you provide the used command in the format "Insert > Field > Time", for us to go faster and without ambiguity where you want ?

Idem for the style you want to apply : is it a character style or a paragraph style?

Comment 2 boicottms 2013-11-06 13:56:46 UTC
Created attachment 88755 [details]
screenshot of the window where i would like to find the style
Comment 3 boicottms 2013-11-06 13:58:46 UTC
Comment on attachment 88755 [details]
screenshot of the window where i would like to find the style

I maybe misspelled the "field" because I use LO in Italian. Anyway you see the screenshot - I would really like to be able to use my styles instead of formatting every field by hand.
Comment 4 Dominique Boutry 2013-11-07 09:48:54 UTC
Sorry, I can't find the "Proprieta: Campo di testo" window you provided. Can you provide a detailed sequence starting in a "New" empty text ?
Comment 5 boicottms 2013-11-07 19:18:31 UTC
Created attachment 88844 [details]
LO english screenshot of a form control

ok, I downloaded LO portable so I have it in english too:
I was referring to form controls, not fields, sorry for the mistake. The attached screenshot shows the window where I would prefer to choose a style instead of formatting the text.
BTW this is not only for text fields but for any one.
Thank you
Comment 6 Dominique Boutry 2014-02-07 16:15:24 UTC
OK, I found it. I also would prefer styles, to allow to adjust texts globally in a set of forms. Not only for fields, but also for drawing. Concerned styles:
- whole character style (perhaps without Backgroud and Borders)
- Indent&Spacing and Alignment tabs from a paragraph style (only these ones ; no outline&numbering, Tabs, DropCaps, Text Flow because too sophisticated for a form/drawing; no Borders and Backgroud because managed by the form/drawing),
- no List styles please please...

Comment 7 Joel Madero 2015-05-02 15:41:02 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 8 boicottms 2015-05-24 11:27:46 UTC
still present in LO
Comment 9 QA Administrators 2016-09-20 09:45:56 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 10 Thomas Lendo 2019-06-08 14:36:18 UTC
This is an enhancement request, so I change importance from normal to enhancement.

Personally I like every possibility to use styles instead of hard formatting with the side effect that styles can be reused as often you want and changed in a single point.

But I don't know if this is technically possible.
Comment 11 Thomas Lendo 2019-06-08 14:37:23 UTC
Adding keyword needsDevAdvice to ask an experienced person.
Comment 12 Robert Großkopf 2020-08-05 13:57:28 UTC
It would be a good idea. 

At this moment LO creates form controls with a font which couldn't be changed by setting Options → LibreOffice Writer → BasicFonts. If you don't prefer "Noto Sans" for it (the default set for Linux, could be also for all other systems) you have to change Control Properties → General → Font for every FormControl.

There is one other problem, which isn't notice by many people: The font for the form controls won't be embedded in a *.pdf-form. If there are users, who haven't installed the font they can't fill the form with content using Acrobat Reader. (Bug 135416)