Problem description: Word counter in the status bar shows only words amonut and chars with space (correctly) Steps to reproduce: 1. start LibreOffice Writer 2. look at the word counter in the status bar :) Current behavior: only chars with space are shown Expected behavior: right click on word counter area in status bar should open a short menu and user will decide which value will be shown: words & chars with space, words & chars without space or something else (or - optionally - none of this) Operating System: Ubuntu Version: release
As LibO has right-clicking menus in the statusbar for style and paragraph language, i guess this could give easy access to people wanting this info rather than having to go to the 'word count' dialog.
Summary amended for clarity.
So the right-click menu should give options for * Word Count (similar to how it was in 4.0 and this should be the default) * Word and Character Count * Word and Character Count excluding spaces
This sounds good.
I would add (if possible) an option for * word count including footnotes (standard) * word count without footnotes because - it might beuseful to count words without footnotes - there is no information within LO help, that counting footnotes is the standard - so sometimes there seems to be confusion about it (see Bug 55359)