Presently when objects are inserted, they are given temporary names like Shape 1 and Shape 2 and this temporary name is shown in the custom animation and navigator sidebar tabs. One problem is that these names are not consistent between these two tabs (e.g. add a shape in impress and custom animation will label it as shape 1 and navigator will label it as shape 3), so the best solution is to have a consistent name automatically applied to it, which a user can rename if he/she chooses.
Such automatic name still needs to be different from a name given by a user, so that you can hide the automatically named objects in the Navigator.
I don't know why you'd want to hide them in the first place - that hiding should be removed IMHO.
Do not remove that option. If I draw a coordinate system with often more than 50 grid lines, I do not want them to be always shown in the Navigator. That would make it cumbersome to handle my real drawings in the Navigator.
Well maybe the naming could be formatted in a way that it is easy to distinguish automatic names from user set names.
We're replacing our use of the 'ux-advise' component with a keyword: Component -> LibreOffice Add Keyword: needsUXEval [NinjaEdit]
If you copy/paste a named object it keeps the name. And while we keep it empty today this would change and you have to clear the name in the future. I believe the advantage of having a name outweighs the rare cases when objects shouldn't be listed in the Navigator. On a different topic the usability of hiding objects by making the name empty is not intuitive. We better add a flag, perhaps at Style > Organizer or allow to hide all objects on a layer.