Bug 131700 - add support for paragraph mark formatting for ODF
Summary: add support for paragraph mark formatting for ODF
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Writer (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
Inherited From OOo
Hardware: All All
: medium enhancement
Assignee: Not Assigned
Keywords: filter:odf
Depends on:
Blocks: Writer-Styles-Paragraph
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Reported: 2020-03-30 10:01 UTC by Michael Stahl (allotropia)
Modified: 2023-04-21 17:03 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Michael Stahl (allotropia) 2020-03-30 10:01:07 UTC
Word allows setting hard formatting on list label and paragraph end marker.

this is already supported by DOCX filters but not in ODF filters or even ODF format.

see following commits:
 5ba30f588d6e41a13d68b1461345fca7a7ca61ac "tdf#64222 sw: better DOCX import/export of paragraph marker formatting" d8c36a8771398327ba83884a2e0aa82a6d7c8492 "sw: add getter for RES_PARATR_LIST_AUTOFMT" 6ed12ab2d0742f86ce25defec3c776562dbfad9a "tdf#120546 fix DOCX overriding numrule format"

2 obvious options would be:

* add the items directly to the paragraph automatic style
  these would be the same as the text-properties so there would
  be new element list-text-properties or similar

* export paragraph marker formatting as a text automatic style
  and reference it via a new style reference attribute from
  paragraph automatic style

i'm not sure currently if the paragraph automatic style already has formatting related to list item, need to check that...