Description: I recommend being able to adjust the size of the notes box when using Notes view in presenter mode - to allow the presenter to better balance how much he/she can see of the slide Vs the notes. Please see attached example where the notes box is huge but in this particular case there are only a few words in the notes section. However, the details on the slide itself cannot be read and cannot be enlarged. - To solve this, would be great to be able to drag the margin of the notes box to a smaller size and that the slide itself would then take up more of the screen. Thank you for your help. Steps to Reproduce: 1.Open file in Impress 2.Click 'Slide Show' on dropdown menu at top of screen, then 'Start from first slide' 3.Click 'Notes' button from options along bottom of screen. Actual Results: Cannot adjust proportion of notes section to slide section of screen to optimise/customise which parts that user needs to have a better view of at a given time. Expected Results: Allow ability to adjust proportions of the different windows included in this view (Notes Vs Slide) Reproducible: Always User Profile Reset: No Additional Info: Please see attached.
Created attachment 159250 [details] Screenshot of example that illustrates need for my proposed enhancement. It would be nice if I could make the notes box smaller. - I do not need all that space to read such few words, yet I still want to see them. - At the same time, I would like to be able to properly read the slide also. The solution would be to enable the user to adjust the proportions of these two windows to each other by simply clicking and dragging the border between them. Thank you in advance for your help.
I can't test this now (bug 62179) but it makes sense and I confirm as enhancement, other end of bug 33603. Note: presenter is a nice feature of LO since 3.3, but it's development is slow, so it may take a long time for this - unless someone volunteers.
I think, such layout wishes should be collected in bug 47826.
Right, let us have this and bug 61904 duplicated to bug 47826. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 47826 ***