Bug 157206 - EDITING Deleting selected chart is unnecessarily complicated
Summary: EDITING Deleting selected chart is unnecessarily complicated
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Calc (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) release
Hardware: All All
: medium enhancement
Assignee: Not Assigned
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Reported: 2023-09-12 14:10 UTC by Timo Suoranta
Modified: 2023-09-12 23:19 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Timo Suoranta 2023-09-12 14:10:35 UTC
When chart is selected, it cannot be deleted. It can be frustrating and challenging for user to figure out why chart cannot be deleted, and what needs to be done to actually get that done.

I know there is 129617; I am not convinced that WONTFIX is the right thing to do.

IMHO the idea that "user selects something to delete it" is basic functionality and what most new users expect how it works. Deviating from how it works in most other software leads to poor user experience.

Even if the issue might be technically non-trivial to fix, I do hope that this does not get immediately simply get classified as WONTFIX, because as is, the software appears buggy (I almost dare to claim: to almost all new users). IMHO, this deserves to be kept open and considered to be fixed (eventually).
Comment 1 Stéphane Guillou (stragu) 2023-09-12 23:19:01 UTC
(In reply to Timo Suoranta from comment #0)
> IMHO the idea that "user selects something to delete it" is basic
> functionality and what most new users expect how it works.
At least that's how it works when out of edit mode: single-click > Delete.

> Deviating from
> how it works in most other software leads to poor user experience.
I had a look at others, and you are correct: all 5 apps I tested (OnlyOffice, Gnumeric, Calligra Sheets, Google Sheets and MS365) can remove the chart directly after creation with the Delete key.

So I guess you could suggest not having the edit mode on when finishing the Wizard? I would be interested to know what is the proportion of people who usually need to straight away customise the chart further (i.e. needing the edit mode on) vs people generally happy with the defaults and wanting to just move the chart around and keep on editing the spreadsheet (i.e. needing the edit mode off).

All in all, I agree that having the whole chart object selected (so it can be moved with the keyboard, deleted, copied, exported from context menu...) is more useful than having the chart area selected (probably the element that is the _least_ modified in a chart). And Wizards are supposed to give you most of what you need and reduce the need to further edit anyway.

The "best of both worlds" solution that would make everyone happy would be to be able to edit a chart without needing to enter an edit mode: bug 82535. Which would also result in having the undo-redo stacks merged as one: bug 62595.