Bug 164059 - WRITER enhancement: restart endnotes at PAGE BREAKS -- it's just a checkbox :)
Summary: WRITER enhancement: restart endnotes at PAGE BREAKS -- it's just a checkbox :)
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 94218
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Writer (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) alpha0+
Hardware: All All
: medium enhancement
Assignee: Not Assigned
Depends on:
Reported: 2024-11-26 12:48 UTC by peter josvai
Modified: 2024-12-30 03:14 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Crash report or crash signature:

illustration (editing page break properties) (118.20 KB, image/png)
2024-11-26 12:48 UTC, peter josvai
illustration: inserting a "manual break" (84.19 KB, image/png)
2024-11-26 12:50 UTC, peter josvai

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Description peter josvai 2024-11-26 12:48:41 UTC
Created attachment 197805 [details]
illustration (editing page break properties)


Of course I'm aware that a checkbox is not just a checkbox but a lot of code.
We do appreciate your work!

//////// PRE
This idea of restarting the numbering of endnotes mush have come up a thousand times already. First, let me give an interpretation why that would be so great.


It is such a great thing that WRITER can be used to create books professionally!! (not the covers but the pages inside)
Only one program can also do that, Scribus.
Writer is top-notch, really!

This idea with resetting endnotes (restarting numbering from 1 again) could be a great improvement!


Because books have chapters and readers like to see endnotes "per chapter"... 
To look for endnote number 236 is not such a great fun.
To look for endnote number 16 (chapter 6) is way-way better.

But not only this:

endnote number 236 is a 3 digit number!!!
This means that it requires a significant amount of space next to the word the index number is placed at.

like Those delicious Canadian apples(subscript)236...
16 takes much less space than 236.
And spaces add up.. and at the second half of a book with lots of notes can easily loses its typographic "formatting" (where the text ends in a given page).

Why not allow the restarting of endnotes? :)

PRE end /////////////


	In a book, page breaks are used as "CHAPTER BORDERS".
	More precisely: chapter borders are created as page breaks.
	Page Breaks can be edited.
	Editing can happen TWO ways.

	"Insert / More Breaks / Manual Break"
	(manual means: you get a dialog popup, and set a few things:
	"Page style"
	"Change number"
	With this, the page numbering changes.
	Page 11 will be handled as if it was page 39 or 73 or 311
	Which the page numbers will reflect.
	Here in this panel there could come another option:
	"RESET endnote numbers" (to 1)

	When the page break is already inserted. You can still edit it.
	You'll get to a paragraph style dialogue window.
	You go to TEXT FLOW.
	In that, you'll find:
	▶ insert (checkbox)
	▶ Position (dropdown / option menu)
	▶ with page style (checkbox + dropdown)
	▶ page number (numeric input field)
	HERE, in this panel, 
	there could also be a "RESET endote numbering checkbox.
- - - thank you for developing Libreoffice and WRITER - - -
Comment 1 peter josvai 2024-11-26 12:50:43 UTC
Created attachment 197806 [details]
illustration: inserting a "manual break"
Comment 2 Dieter 2024-12-29 10:11:15 UTC
Peter, thank you for your idea. I think, it is covered by bug 94218 or - more gererally - with bug 129036

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 94218 ***