Bug 94218 - footnote numbering per chapter: define outline level that resets numbering
Summary: footnote numbering per chapter: define outline level that resets numbering
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Writer (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
Inherited From OOo
Hardware: All All
: lowest enhancement
Assignee: Not Assigned
: 164059 (view as bug list)
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Blocks: Footnote-Endnote
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Reported: 2015-09-14 19:08 UTC by soffioalcuore
Modified: 2024-12-29 10:11 UTC (History)
7 users (show)

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Crash report or crash signature:

example of the issue (12.78 KB, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text)
2015-09-21 09:45 UTC, soffioalcuore
example with table of contents (14.97 KB, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text)
2015-09-21 10:55 UTC, soffioalcuore

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Description soffioalcuore 2015-09-14 19:08:28 UTC
I'm working on a long paper that contains a lot (> 1000) footnotes. I chose numbering per chapter and as I understand it LO chooses the chapters of level 1 (as set in the dialog tools -> outline numbering) as the ones being responsible of resetting the footnote numbering. 
I must admit my request is probably rather an exception, but as I have large sub chapters/subsections (i. e. that are linked to a higher outline lavel that 1) I'd really like to have outline level 2 to be able to reset footnote numbering. 

I tried to work around the problem by moving every headline up one outline level, but then I get into problems with the headlines in the content table, that is automatically generated according to the headlines and thus also depends on the settings I make in the outline numbering dialog.

I have no clue about how it all looks behind the surface, but I can imagine the easiest way making this possible would be an option to define the outline level that is responsible for resetting the footnote numbering (?).

Any help, advice, work around is much appreciated: thanks!

Comment 1 Buovjaga 2015-09-19 16:39:27 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 2 soffioalcuore 2015-09-21 09:45:20 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 3 soffioalcuore 2015-09-21 09:49:47 UTC

and therefore again my question:

Would it be possible to include a setting which tells on which outline level to reset footnote numbering?
Comment 4 Buovjaga 2015-09-21 10:36:31 UTC
(In reply to soffioalcuore from comment #2)
> Created attachment 118893 [details]
> example of the issue
> I'm attaching an odt-example which shows the issue described in my 1st post. 
> As you can see I work with the headlines defined by the formatting styles,
> and they're connected with outline levels (which I indicated in brackets). 
> Under tools -> outline numbering I set footnote numbering by chapter. And
> you can see it works: The numbering starts from 1 again in chapter 3, but
> only for the chapters of level 1!

The cause seems to be that you set the style of chapter 2.1 and 2.2 to be Heading 2. After I set them to Heading 1 like the rest, the footnote numbering worked ok.
Comment 5 soffioalcuore 2015-09-21 10:55:36 UTC
Created attachment 118897 [details]
example with table of contents

Beluga, thanks for your answer!

But your suggestion doesn't make sense to me.
Headlines 2.1 and 2.2 have to be on a lower outline level than headline 2, because they logically are subordinated to heading 2: chapter 2 comprises of both subchapters 2.1 and 2.2, and (thus) they are not on the same hierarchical level as heading 2.

Also this setting affects the automatically generated table of contents, as you can see in this new attachment here.
Comment 6 Buovjaga 2015-09-21 11:44:23 UTC
Yes, I came to the conclusion that it is quite a problematic behavior.
I'll set to NEW for now.
If someone better educated has a solution, they can close this..

Tested on
Win 7 Pro 64-bit, Version: (32-bit)
Build ID: 81898c9f5c0d43f3473ba111d7b351050be20261
Locale: fi-FI (fi_FI)
Comment 7 Timur 2017-01-31 10:53:37 UTC
This is not a bug, but new feature, so I set as "enhancement". They are generally with low priority , but this looks like "lowest" to me.
https://help.libreoffice.org/index.php?title=Writer/Footnotes says "Per chapter: Restarts the numbering of footnotes at the beginning of each chapter." any yes, there might be "of each Heading 1 chapter."
I add Justin, because he recently worked on footnotes/endnotes, for a comment whether this is feasible at all.
Comment 8 Robert Deck 2023-12-07 11:55:57 UTC Comment hidden (spam)
Comment 9 Dieter 2024-12-29 10:11:15 UTC
*** Bug 164059 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***